林陳涌Chen-Yung Lin陳美君Mei-Chun Chen2019-09-052017-7-112019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597432214%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104028本研究使用科學相關態度量表、科學教室環境量表進行前後測,以及開放式紙筆測驗問卷晤談,探討合作學習法對學生的概念生態、對學習環境的感受及對對科學的態度之影響,研究對象為某公立國中的七年級學生64位,量化資料採用共變數分析;質性資料則進行編碼探討質性資料的內容。研究結果發現,與接受傳統教學法學生比較,接受合作學習法學生對教室學習環境具有較佳的感受,但是對科學的相關態度並無明顯提升。再經由自由聯想及晤談後結果分析,接受合作學習法學生的概念生態元素,多數學生從簡單語意知識或經驗知識,轉為科學語言的語意知識,且概念正確性提升的幅度較大,尤其對於中低成就組學生,效果更佳。由結果可反應出合作學習法對學生在教室學習環境感受及概念生態發展上具有明顯提升。In this research, we used scientific attitude scale, environment of science classroom scale to carried out prior and after tests and interview within open pen-and-paper test in order to discuss the influence of cooperative learning on students’ conceptual ecology, perception toward learning environment and attitude toward science. To compared with the students who accept the traditional way shows the results of this study that students who accepted the cooperative learning had better perception about environment of classroom but shows no significantly promotion on the attitude toward science of the students who accepted the cooperative learning. Through the connection of experience, thinking and interview, after analyzing shows the results that the conceptual ecology of students who accepted cooperative learning shows the changing of simple linguistic knowledge or experiential knowledge alter for better scientific language and linguistic knowledge and the accuracy of concept can highly promoted. Medium and low achievement students who accepted cooperative learning turned their concept element into linguistic knowledge with stronger scientific language, and showed higher accuracy. As the result, cooperative learning helps students obtain highly promotion on perception of learning environment and conceptual ecology.合作學習科學教室環境對科學的態度概念生態Cooperative learningEnvironment of science classroomAttitude toward scienceConceptual ecology合作學習對國中生生物概念生態、 對科學的態度及科學教室環境之影響Influence of Cooperative Learning on Students’ Conceptual Ecology, Attitude toward Science, Perception of Learning Environment