吳舜文WU, SHUNWEN顏怡菁YEN, ICHING2019-09-062017-08-012019-09-062012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0598903116%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108524本研究旨在調查高中音樂班學生時間管理情形與學業成績概況,分析其背景變項之差異,且探討兩者之相關。研究者依據相關文獻自編「高中音樂班學生時間管理情形與學業成績概況調查問卷」,其中時間管理量表包含工作時程排序、工作目標設定、時間控制感知、時間管理策略等4個層面,以100學年度在學之臺北地區7所高中音樂班一年級與二年級學生386位為研究對象,共得有效問卷282份,所得資料使用spss12.0版套裝軟體建檔,並使用平均數與標準差、次數分配與百分比、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數、相關係數、迴歸檢定等進行分析。以下依據待答問題提出本研究之結論。 壹、高中音樂班學生在工作時程排序、工作目標設定、時間控制感知、時間管理策略等層面及整體時間管理情形均屬普通,但其彼此呈現顯著相關,其中以時間控制感知與時間管理策略兩個層面略高,而工作時程排序層面尚待加強。 貳、有關背景變項對高中音樂班學生時間管理情形之差異分析,僅性別於時間管理策略層面具顯著差異,且女生優於男生。 參、高中音樂班學生學業成績概況在學術科成績以甲等居多,主修成績以甲等及乙等居多,學術科與主修成績呈現顯著相關。 肆、有關背景變項對高中音樂班學生學業成績概況之差異分析,僅不同年級於主修成績、不同主修樂器於學術科及主修成績呈現差異,且高二學生主修成績優於高一學生,主修弦樂優於主修鋼琴者。 伍、高中音樂班學生之時間管理各層面及整體均與學術科成績呈現相關,時間控制感知及整體則與主修成績呈現相關;而時間管理各層面與整體對學術科成績均具預測力,時間控制感知及整體則對主修成績具預測力。 研究者並依據結論提出針對高中音樂班學生學習輔導及未來後續研究之建議,以供教育理論與實務之參考。The purpose of this study is to investigate the circumstances of time management and academic achievement among musically-talented students in senior high schools of Taipei Aria. Our Time Management Scale contains four dimensions of time management, namely, the “prioritizing activities,” “setting goals,” “perceived control of time,” “time management strategies.” Two hundred and eighty-two valid questionnaires were collected from music-talented classes of seven high schools in Taipei City and New Taipei city. The data were analyzed by the software package SPSS 12.0 for Windows. The statistic methods included descriptive statistics, Student T-test, one-way analysis of variance and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of this study were as below: 1. The performance of music-talented class students in high school is comparatively good in four dimensions of time management, namely, the “prioritizing activities,” “setting goals,” “perceived control of time,” “time management strategies,” as well as in “overall time management.” 2. There was significant difference in “time management strategies” between different genders of music-talented class students in high school. But there was no significant difference on “time management” in variables such as gender, grade, principal instrument, socioeconomic status, rearing style, and the number of children in the family. 3. Students of different grades and of different principal instrument showed significant difference in“grades of the principal instrument”; however, the “grades of the principal instrument” was not affected by different gender, socioeconomic status, rearing style, and the number of children. 4. “Time management” at all dimensions and “overall time management” had positive correlation with “grades of academic subjects and principal instrument.” Meanwhile, “perceived control of time” and “overall time management” had positive correlation with “grades of academic subjects and principal instrument” 5. “Time management” at all dimensions and “overall time management” had predictive power on“grades of academic subjects and principal instrument.” And “perceived control of time” and “overall time management” had predictive power on“grades of academic subjects and principal instrument.” Keyword: achievement of musically-talented student, time management, academic achievement, grades of the principal instrument.高中音樂班學生時間管理學術科成績主修成績achievement of musically-talented studenttime managementacademic achievementgrades of the principal instrument高中音樂班學生時間管理與學業成績之相關研究-以臺北地區為例An Investigation on the Relation of Time Management and Academic Achievement of Musically-talented Students in Senior High Schools of Taipei Area