王麗雲Wang, Li-Yun邱仕凱Chiu, Shih-Kai2022-06-082021-09-012022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/46c2ff89f077a7eb6c79a36939d7b730/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117509本研究探討十二年國民基本教育政策實施前後,在教育機會均等與適性教育兩個主軸的成效。使用後中資料庫102及104學年度已釋出的公共版資料進行次級資料分析,並以立意取樣的方式選擇臺北市某完全中學教師10人進行訪談。統計方法以SPSS 24.0進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定與單因子變異數分析。研究結果發現在十二年國教政策實施初期:(一)在均等與適性兩個主軸的實施成效顯著提升;(二)學生對學校硬體設備改善的知覺程度顯著提升,但可能因教師的使用率偏低,故學生對學校教學設施改善的知覺程度顯著降低;(三)學生在擇校時強調個體與學校的適性發展,但因政策變動的因素,亦重視傳統的升學考量;(四)學生對國中適性輔導改善的知覺程度顯著提升,但個體的適性發展仍受到家長意見、主流價值、大眾媒體與流行產業的影響;(五)父親教育程度與職業地位屬中間層級的學生,對國中硬體設備與教學設施改善的知覺程度顯著提升;(六)無論父親教育程度與職業地位為何,學生在擇校時皆強調個體與學校的適性發展,但因政策變動的因素,亦重視傳統的升學考量;(七)家庭經濟困難與尚可的學生,在擇校時強調個體與學校的適性發展,但因政策變動的因素,亦重視傳統的升學考量;(八)家庭經濟充裕的學生,特別強調個體與學校的適性發展,反而對傳統的升學考量較不重視;(九)無論父親教育程度、職業地位與家庭經濟程度為何,學生對國中適性輔導改善的知覺程度皆顯著提升。最後針對研究的結果,提出相關的建議。The present study examines the effectiveness of the 12-year basic education policy in terms of the equality of educational opportunity and adaptive education before and after its implementation. Secondary data analysis was conducted using the public information released by the Taiwan Upper Secondary Education Database (TUSED) for the 2013 and 2015 academic years, with 10 teachers from six-year high schools in Taipei City selected for interviews through a purposive sampling method. As to statistical methodologies, descriptive statistics, an independent sample t-test, and a one-way analysis of variance were employed using SPSS Statistics 24.0.The findings of this research showed that after the implementation of the 12-year basic education policy, the following results were achieved. (1) There were significant improvements in the implementation effectiveness of the two main aspects of equality and adaptability. (2) Students’ perceptions of improvements in school hardware equipment increased significantly; however, their perceptions of improvements in school facilities decreased significantly, possibly owing to the low rates of usage by teachers. (3) Students not only emphasized the adaptability development of the individual and teachers and curriculums when selecting a school but also valued the traditional consideration of exam success rates owing to the factor of policy changes. (4) Students’ perceptions of the improvements in adaptive counseling in secondary schools increased significantly, but the individual development of adaptability was still influenced by parental opinions, mainstream values, mass media, and popular industries. (5) Students whose father’s education level and occupational status fell in the middle tier showed significantly increased levels of perception regarding the improvements in the hardware equipment and teaching facilities of secondary schools. (6) Regardless of their fathers’ education and occupational status, students emphasized the adaptability development of the individual and the school when selecting a school. Simultaneously, the students also valued the traditional consideration of exam success rates owing to the factor of policy changes. (7) Students from financially disadvantaged or average families emphasized the adaptability development of the individual and the school when choosing a school. Nevertheless, these students also valued the traditional consideration of exam success rates owing to the factor of policy changes. (8) Students from affluent families placed a particular emphasis on the adaptability development of the individual and the school and attached less importance to the traditional consideration of exam success rates. (9) Students displayed significantly increased levels of perception regarding the improvements in adaptive counseling in secondary schools regardless of their father’s educational level, occupational status, and family economic status. Finally, the study proposed relevant recommendations based on its findings.十二年國民基本教育教育機會均等適性教育臺灣後期中等教育長期追蹤資料庫(TUSED)次級資料分析12-year National Basic EducationEquality of Educational OpportunityAdaptive EducationTaiwan Upper Secondary Education Database (TUSED)Secondary Data Analysis均等與適性的政策探戈-十二年國民基本教育政策的評估The Policy Tango between Equality and Adaptability-An Evaluation of 12-year National Basic Education Policy學術論文