林如萍Lin, Ju-Ping趙佩抒Chao, Pei-Shu2019-08-282019-02-152019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060206005E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86708本研究旨在以「建設性衝突」為主題,發展國中綜合活動學習領域之親子關係課程,並針對此課程進行成效評估。本研究針對台北市某國中八年級的學生,進行為期七週、每周一堂課程的實驗研究。研究者以「親子關係量表」與「建設性衝突量表」前後測、學生之「課程評價」等量化資料,以及課堂觀察、學習單與課後訪談等質性資料進行分析。本研究主要的結果如下: 一、 本研究以「學生為中心」的概念來設計親子關係課程,由學生的生活經驗出發,探討其與父母發生衝突的原因及感受,並運用影片引導學生思考親子衝突的情境,聚焦於「建設性衝突處理」的核心概念,以期提升學生正向溝通的知能。課程設計採用講述、體驗、小組競賽與討論、及影片欣賞等教學方法,並透過體驗及省思,進而提升學生的生活實踐力。 二、 參與七周之親子關係課程,對於學生「建設性衝突」知能的提升具有顯著的影響,具體來說,學生更認同:衝突具有正向功能,能提供雙方機會檢視彼此立場的差異,並且願意釐清衝突發生的原因、採用支持性的方式進行溝通,最後提出雙方都接受的解決方案,進而實際解決問題。並且,此能力的提升不受到學生的性別、家庭結構與社經地位等背景變項影響。 三、 此課程之成效,整體來說,課程進行前建設性衝突知能好的學生,課後建設性衝突的知能也較好。而「家庭結構」對於學生課後建設性衝突知能的表現具有影響力,但若同時考量「家庭結構」及「親子衝突」對學生課後表現的影響,則「家庭結構」無顯著影響力,顯示:須同時考量此二變項,方能釐清家庭對學生課後建設性衝突知能表現的影響。The aims of this study were to develop a parent-child relationship program, based on “Constructive Conflict Theory”, and to evaluate the effect of the program on promoting junior high school students’ attitude and ability of conflict management. 120 junior high school students attended this one-group pretest-posttest designed study, which lasted for 7 weeks, a class per week. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected to arrive at the study findings. 1. The parent-child relationship program focused on students’ life experiences and started by discussing the causes and their feelings when they had conflict with their parents. Then it used a video to demonstrate the main idea of this program- constructive conflict theory. At the end, positive communication skills were taught to help the students transform what they had learned into practice. The program used diverse teaching methods to provide the students with an opportunity to experience, reflect, and practice. 2. The program was effective in improving students’ attitude and ability of constructive conflict, and the difference in effectiveness was not found between different gender, family structure, and socioeconomic status. That is, students understand that conflicts give us a chance to find out the difference between two individuals; if the negotiation process is properly conducted and an agreement on how to solve the problems is reached, then the relationship quality would be raised. 3. Students, whose attitude and ability of constructive conflict were better before the intervention, performed better afterward as well. Family structure also affected the result: students from two parents families performed better than those from single parent families, remarried families, and grandparents headed families. However, when family structure and parent-child conflict frequency were in the same model, both variables showed no significant effect on students’ attitude and ability of constructive conflict after intervention. That is, we should consider these two family variables concurrently when predicting students’ performance for this program.親子關係建設性衝突綜合活動學習領域實驗教學parent-child relationshipconstructive conflictintegrative activities learning areaexperimental designs親子關係課程發展與成效評估之研究-以國中階段綜合活動學習領域為例Parent-Child Relationship Program Development and Evaluation - The Effect on Junior High School Students' Attitude and Ability of Conflict Management.