林鴻洲Lin, Hung-Chou王眉茵Wang, Mei-Yin2023-12-082023-07-062023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1e10b85c6d022cb85098ff23ffac6667/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119744政府於2002年設立《殯葬管理條例》,並鼓勵社會大眾使用環保自然葬,不僅能緩解土地資源不足與塔位供不應求的現況,亦能達到環境永續的理念。若能瞭解影響民眾使用意願的因素,將有助於提升環保自然葬之使用率,其中高齡族群亦是我們需要特別關心的重點對象。因此,本研究從社會行銷的觀點探討高齡者對環保自然葬之使用意願,藉以瞭解影響高齡者對環保自然葬使用意願之重要變數。本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,結合環保自然葬之社會行銷4P組合,加入環保意識與知覺子女可安全依附程度等變項,探討與高齡者環保自然葬使用意願之關係。 本研究採問卷調查法,以年滿55歲以上之高齡者為研究對象。本研究之研究結果發現:一、高齡者的態度對環保自然葬之使用意願有正向影響。二、高齡者的主觀規範對環保自然葬之使用意願有正向影響。三、高齡者的知覺行為控制對環保自然葬之使用意願有正向影響。四、高齡者對社會行銷4P中的產品需求認知會對其使用意願有正向影響。五、高齡者對社會行銷4P中的價格成本認知會對其使用意願有負向影響。六、高齡者對社會行銷4P中的通路管道認知會對其使用意願有正向影響。七、高齡者對社會行銷4P中的推廣資訊認知會對其使用意願有正向影響。八、高齡者的環保意識對環保自然葬之使用意願有正向影響。九、高齡者的知覺子女可安全依附程度對環保自然葬之使用意願有正向影響。最後根據研究結果提出實務上的相關建議,供後續研究及相關單位參酌。In 2002, the government established the"Funeral Management Regulations" and encouraged the public to use eco-friendly natural burials. This not only helps alleviate the current shortage of land resources and demand for tomb spaces, but also promotes the idea of environmental sustainability. Understanding the factors that influence people's willingness to use eco-friendly natural burials can help increase the utilization rate of this practice, with a particular focus on the elderly population. Therefore, this study used a social marketing perspective to explore the willingness of the elderly to use eco-friendly natural burials, in order to understand the important variables that affect their willingness to use this approach. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and the 4Ps of social marketing, this study added variables such as environmental awareness and perceived safety of children's attachment to the combination of eco-friendly natural burials, to examine their relationship with the willingness of the elderly to use this approach. This study adopted a questionnaire survey method with people over the age of 55 as the research subjects. The research results found that: (1) the attitudes of the elderly have a positive impact on their willingness to use eco-friendly natural burials. (2) subjective norms of the elderly have a positive impact on their willingness to use eco-friendly natural burials. (3) perceived behavioral control of the elderly has a positive impact on their willingness to use eco-friendly natural burials. (4) the recognition of product demand in the 4Ps of social marketing by the elderly has a positive impact on their willingness to use eco-friendly natural burials. (5) the recognition of price cost in the 4Ps of social marketing by the elderly has a negative impact on their willingness to use eco-friendly natural burials. (6) the recognition of channel distribution in the 4Ps of social marketing by the elderly has a positive impact on their willingness to use eco-friendly natural burials. (7) the recognition of promotion information in the 4Ps of social marketing by the elderly has a positive impact on their willingness to use eco-friendly natural burials. (8) the environmental awareness of the elderly has a positive impact on their willingness to use eco-friendly natural burials. (9) the perceived safety of children's attachment degree by the elderly has a positive impact on their willingness to use eco-friendly natural burials. Finally, based on the research results, practical recommendations are proposed for subsequent research and relevant units to consider.環保自然葬計畫行為理論社會行銷環保意識知覺子女可安全依附程度eco-friendly natural burialtheory of planned behaviorsocial marketingenvironmental awarenessperceived safety of attachment for children從社會行銷觀點探討高齡者對環保自然葬之使用意願Exploring the Usage Intention of Elderly People towards Eco-friendly Natural Burial from a Social Marketing Perspectiveetd