葉欣誠Yeh, Shin-Cheng廖豈汶Liao, Chi-Wen2019-09-052021-10-302019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060446010S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103597 我國許多民眾對於環境資訊與知識的主要取得管道為大眾媒體。近年來環保意識提升,氣候變遷議題逐漸受民眾關注與熱烈討論,這幾年的重要議題包括:2012年《京都議定書》(Kyoto Protocol)到期、2013年IPCC發布「第五次氣候評估報告」、2014年全球190國代表協議出「利馬呼籲氣候行動」以及2015年的巴黎氣候峰會。上述事件在我國氣候變遷報導中也佔有一定的篇幅,所以,媒體如何框架這些資訊,也會影響民眾理解和回應的方式。 近十年來有許多針對氣候變遷報導框架的研究,本研究的目的則在於了解我國媒體如何處理氣候變遷議題新聞,以及媒體在新聞議題上的報導面向,透過哪些框架建構出氣候變遷議題。本研究採用內容分析法探討我國四大報《蘋果日報》、《中國時報》、《自由時報》、《聯合報》如何報導氣候變遷,並檢視2012年至2016年共五年間與氣候變遷議題相關新聞的框架,以量化方式檢驗新聞中的框架及面向,依據新聞的數量、形式、領域、來源、地點、以及環境教育內涵等項目做分類。 研究發現,氣候變遷新聞的報導數量因為2015年的巴黎氣候峰會而在當年達到高峰,該次會議的目的是要協定出各國因應氣候變遷的減緩及調適方案,因此發現新聞框架偏好為「社會演進」框架,並關注在氣候變遷對環境的影響。此外,我國相關報導的主要來源為「政府單位」,而我國媒體在撰寫氣候變遷報導時,多採用環境教育目標中的「覺知」及「行動」,著重在氣候變遷的減緩。 In Taiwan, mass media are the major channels for transmission of environmental information and knowledge to the general public. In recent years, climate change has become a widely discussed topic in Taiwan. Among the important issues being discussed and reported in the media include Kyoto Protocol, the Assessment Reports are published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and Paris Agreement passed in 2015. It was also found that framing of the information may influence people’s reponses. Research on framing in climate change (CC) news coverage has advanced substantially in recent decades. The main objective of this study is to find out how climate change news are framed in newspapers in Taiwan. Content analysis was employed as the research approach in this study. Four major newspapers in Taiwan from 2012 to 2016 were studied to examine their frames, together with numbers, patterns, fields, sources, locations, and environmental education goals. Results showed that the coverage of climate change news reached a peak in 2015 because of the UNFCCC COP21, or Paris Climate Summit. Global climate change mitigation and adaptation plans and strategies were discussed and finally the Paris Agreement was passed in COP21. Thus, the “social progress” frame can be identified in the media reports, focusing on the environmental impacts of climate change and future trends. Moreover, the main source of climate change news in Taiwan was found to be the government. In terms of environmental education goals, “awareness” and “action” shared most of the goals. In addition, more articles emphasized mitigation instead of adaptation.氣候變遷新聞框架內容分析報紙climate changenews framingcontent analysisnewspapers臺灣主流報紙的氣候變遷新聞框架分析(2012-2016年)News Framing of Climate Change in Taiwanese Mainstream Newspapers (2012-2016)