朱則剛劉沛晴Liu Pei Ching2019-09-042003-6-302019-09-042002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069072015%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99490行政院於「挑戰2008:國家重點發展計畫(2002-2007)」中,將「數位內容」列為「兩兆雙星」計畫之一。在全球數位電視產業正將開始蓬勃之際,支配台灣八成以上家庭電視生活的「第四台」有線電視,其優質內容逐漸可透過資訊科技的數位化技術進行加值並轉製成「數位內容」,充分發揮「內容」本身的各項價值(林宏澤,民91)與服務。 本研究以「修正式德菲法」的專家預測,探討我國數位內容加值服務之拓展方向,發現有線電視業者應以既有資源與頻道優勢,建構出以學習、體育與遊戲等數位內容為主的加值服務,並讓內容具備需求性、吸引性、差異性以及信任度等12項特質;在服務導向方面,則以提供「一系列完整的服務」為具體建議。「跨平台」與「模組化」加值方式在技術上仍有進步空間,且建議應以接收端介面與接收方式為企畫重點。另外,數位頻道倍增之後,充裕的數位頻道也是加值的利基之一,將頻道提供給小型的內容提供者進用(Access),亦可視為數位內容加值服務的拓展方向。 在數位內容加值服務市場尚未成熟之際,數位內容產業在軟、硬體的推廣應以互動式服務為主要訴求,以提供傳統電視無法提供的數位服務為號召;在未來幾年的企業規劃中,建議多規劃與培養跨媒體數位內容的經營能力,包括:人才、內容與產業合作等。The digital content has been included in the plan by the highest level of executive branch in 31 may 2002. As the rising and flourishing of the global digital television industry, the cable television affecting Taiwan people is digitalizing vigorously, no matter software or hardware. Before a successful governance model of CATV digital contents was born, we have to consider how to develop and spread the value-added service in digital contents. The article concludes the advantages of CATV digital content and its values in the future. According to “Modified Delphi”, this dissertation researches the direction of extending and using the add-value-service in digital content. We found the proprietors of Cable TV should well use the existing advantages of resources and channels to build several main dimensions of add-value-service such as learning, physical education and TV-game etc. These dimensions have to possess 12 characters, which are attraction, confidence, and variance etc. In service orientation, we point out that supplying a series of complete service should be a trend in the future. The problems with add-value-technique of “Interoperability” and “modularity” will be the next main cause we have to face. Besides that, we also suggest the interface and mode of receiver should be another main point of proposal in the case. One of the advantages of add-value-service in digital broadcast is abundant digital channels, which could offer smaller “content-provider” to access and be regarded as another extending direction.數位內容加值服務跨平台模組化digital contentvalue-added serviceinteroperabilitymodularity我國數位內容加值服務拓展方向之研究---以有線電視內容提供者為例The Development Direction of Value-Added Services in Taiwan’s Cable Television Digital Content