麥康妮Athena H.N. Mak李俊樂Li, Chun-Lok2024-12-172024-09-232024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/39a134974f5fd3b09cfaf6a51c707c9f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123805食物浪費在產官學界被廣泛的討論。在臺灣,每年有大量的次優食品在未被使用的情況下被丟棄。相關文獻指出Y世代在世界人口中佔有較大的比例,與其他世代相比,Y世代表現出更強的購買力,而Z世代則被認為是未來最具購買力的族群。因此,本研究旨在了解 (1) 兩世代對次優食物的態度,(2) 影響兩世代對次優食物選擇之因素,(3) 次優食品購買行為的潛在預測因素,以及 (4) 所測量之預測因素在兩代之間是否存在顯著差異。研究方法共分為兩個階段,分別是半結構式訪談及問卷調查法。使用相片引談法去刺激受訪者於半結構訪談中產生想法,而問卷則透過網路問卷平台SurveyCake發放。本研究採立意抽樣方式招募參與者,並使用內容分析法及主題分析法對訪談資料進行分析。問卷所得數據以SmartPLS 4.0進行分析,以驗證本研究之假設。研究結果表明,兩個世代對次優食物的負面看法多於正面看法,「價格折扣」和「感知風險」是影響選擇次優食品的重要因素。然而,Y世代更注重其「使用目的」,而Z世代在決策過程中更關心產品的「次優程度」。此外,只有少數消費者在面對次優食品時會考慮環境問題。消費者的「環境關懷」會對次優食品購買的態度有正向顯著影響,且「態度」和「知覺行為控制」會對次優食品購買意願有正向顯著影響。在本研究中,兩代人在次優食品購買意願的所有預測因素上,都沒有表現出顯著差異。這項研究為提高次優食品接受度的障礙和推動因素提供重要見解,並豐富臺灣次優食品的相關研究。然而,由於研究以臺灣為背景,在樣本中的參與者也是臺灣民眾,因此研究結果僅反映臺灣的情況,可能無法反映到其他國家的實際狀況。Food waste has been widely discussed in both academic and social contexts over the past decade. Past studies have shown that people are aware of the problem of suboptimal food, yet it is often rejected. Generation Y constitutes a significant proportion of the world’s population and has exhibited greater purchasing power compared to other generations in recent years. Generation Z, on the other hand, is expected to have significant purchasing power in the future. Thus, this research aims to understand: (1) the perceptions of both generations toward suboptimal food, (2) the factors affecting the two generations’ choice of suboptimal food, (3) the possible predictors of suboptimal food purchases using an extended TPB model, and (4) whether there are significant differences between the two generations in the measured predictors.This exploratory study was separated into two phases: which were semi-structured interview and questionnaire survey. Auto-driven photo elicitation was used to stimulate the generation of ideas in semi-structured interviews, and an online survey was conducted. Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants. The data from the interviews were transcribed verbatim and content analyzed, while the survey data were analyzed using SmartPLS 4.0.The findings suggested that both generations carried more negative perceptions toward suboptimal food. Price discounts and perceived risks were found to be salient factors that affect their suboptimal food choice. However, Gen Y consumers placed more emphasis on the purpose of use while Gen Z consumers were more concerned about the degree of suboptimality of the product in their decision-making process. Surprisingly, only a few consumers considered environmental concern in the face of suboptimal food. Consumers’ environmental concern was found to have a significant effect on their attitude toward suboptimal food purchase and attitude and perceived behavioral control were shown to have a significant effect on suboptimal food purchase intention. Moreover, the two generations exhibit no significant differences in any of the predictors of suboptimal food purchase intention in this research.This study provides important insights into the barriers and drivers that influence the acceptance of suboptimal food products. It enriches the research on suboptimal food in Taiwan and provides practical suggestions to the food industry to increase the consumption of suboptimal food.醜食次優食品食物選擇環境關懷計劃行為理論Suboptimal FoodImperfect FoodFood ChoiceEnvironmental ConcernTheory of Planned Behavior探討影響Y世代與Z世代對次優食品選擇因素之研究Exploring the factors affecting suboptimal food choice: comparison between Generation Y and Generation Z in Taiwan學術論文