國立臺灣師範大學社會工作學研究所游美貴2014-12-022014-12-022010/08/01http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/37650本研究目的旨在發展庇護機構區域合作的模式,擬就實地了解庇護機構工作人員的實務經驗,並於研究期間建構聯繫溝通平台,使得參與研究的庇護機構可以適時了解區域合作改變服務的歷程。爰此,本研究目的有以下列幾項:了解各縣市庇護機構的運作情形、了解庇護機構對於區域合作的看法與意見、探討各區域庇護機構在合作時可能遭遇的困境及改善方式及建構各區域庇護機構合作模式。 本研究採取質化研究,分成兩階段進行。第一階段是透過實地訪視的方式,與庇護機構工作人員面對面訪談,了解庇護機構對於區域合作的意見與看法。第二階段則是建構區域溝通平台,藉由區域焦點團體座談,使得區域內庇護機構可以互相交流,並確認合作模式;然後將合作模式帶回實務工作執行,並在執行過程中後期再進行焦點團體座談修正合作模式;最後完成庇護機構區域合作模式的建構。This study aims to develop a region-wide collaborative service supporting different refuges through communication, discussion and practice for the benefit of abused women and their children. The study will address a number of research questions: what could be a collaborative mode within different refuges for doing changes in different regions? How do the main issues of collaboration and how to keep these issues in perspective? What the difficulties are the refuge staff facing when they provide the service cross-region? What the services could be changed in order to succeed in doing a region-wide service? The research will be taken over a 2-year period. The study will be based on a qualitative method. There will be two ways of data collection, which are face-to-face interview and focus group. The subjects are from refuges which are located in the three regions of Taiwan.延伸服務整合服務庇護所家庭暴力區域合作extended serviceintegrated servicerefuge/shelterdomestic violencea cross-region collaboration延伸與整合---建構家庭暴力被害人庇護服務區域合作服務模式之研究Extended and Integrated Service--- Research on Refuge Services for the Victims of Domestic Violence Towards a Cross-Region Collaborative Practice