黃松元高相如2019-08-282008-6-152019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092053012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87550本研究之目的在了解台北市高職學生控握信念、社會支持與幸福感之相關性。研究以結構式問卷進行調查,母群體為九十四學年度台北市十七所公私立高職31907位學生,有效問卷為477份。 得研究結果如下: 一、研究對象的控握信念呈正向。 二、研究對象的社會支持呈正向。 三、研究對象的幸福感呈正向。 四、研究對象的控握信念因年級之不同而有顯著差異。 五、研究對象的社會支持因年級、性別、有無宗教信仰、學業成績滿意度、父 親教養方式、母親教養方式、父親教育程度之不同而有顯著差異。 六、研究對象的幸福感因年級、性別、有無宗教信仰、班上排名、學業成績滿 意度、父親教養方式、母親教養方式之不同而有顯著差異。 七、研究對象的控握信念與社會支持、幸福感均呈低度正相關。 八、研究對象的社會支持與幸福感呈中高度正相關。 九、社會支持、班上排名、學業成績滿意度三項,對幸福感有44.2%預測力。依據研究結果,對學校、家庭、個人方面及後續相關研究,提出建議。The purposes of this study were to explore the relationship among Beliefs in Internal- External Control, Social Supports, and Well-being for the Vocational High School Students in Taipei city. Data are collected by structural questionnaires. The Population includes 31907 Vocational High School Students in Taipei city 2005. 477 valid samples are collected. The results in this study were as follows: 1.The Beliefs in Internal- External Control of subject trended to positive. 2.The Social Supports of subject were positive. 3.The Well-being of subject were positive. 4.The Beliefs in Internal- External Control of subject are significant difference in grade. 5.The Social Supports of subject are significant difference in grade, sexual, have religious belief or not, the performance in the examination, the father’s upbringing style, the mother’s upbringing style, the father’s education level. 6.The Well-being of subject are significant difference in grade, sexual, have religious belief or not, the ranking in class, the performance in the examination, the father’s upbringing style, the mother’s upbringing style. 7.The Beliefs in Internal- External Control of subject were low level positive correlation with Social Supports and well-being. 8.The Social Supports of subject was middle high level positive correlation with Well-being. 9.Social Supports, the ranking in class, and the performance in the examination can explain 44.2% of the total variance in Well-being . Based on the results, implications and suggestionsfor school education, family education, Vocational High School Student, and future study were also provided.高職學生控握信念社會支持幸福感Vocational High School StudentBeliefs in Internal- External ControlSocial SupportsWell-being台北市高職學生控握信念、社會支持與幸福感相關性之研究The study of relationship among Beliefs in Internal- External Control, Social Support, and Well-being for the Vocational High School Students in Taipei city