國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所胡馨文邱貴發Hu, Hsin-WenChiou, Guey-Fa2014-10-302014-10-302008-04-011681-3138http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34215本研究旨在探討國小學童進行網路合作任務時其互動行為之特性。研究使用以質為主,以量為輔的方式分析四位跨地區參與合作任務的六年級學童其線上互動的狀況。結果發現,在互動行為類型上可歸類出五大類及十二個細目(「設備操作」、「同步確認」、「程序協商」、「活動執行」、及「社交」);另外,也發現有兩種進行任務的合作模式;此外,小組的互動對稱性也有所不同。文末並提出對網路支援合作學習在研究及應用上的建議。The interaction behavior of student dyads engaging in network-supported collaborative tasks was explored. Four sixth graders (two boys and two girls) from four schools used a network-supported collaborative learning system to perform collaborative tasks. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were applied to collect data concerning the nature of the online students’ interaction. The results indicated that online participants showed five types of categories of interaction: device operating, presence confirming, procedure negotiating, activity executing and social contacting. Results also showed the existence of two types of online task-solving modes: a division-of-task mode and a cooperation-of-task mode. The findings have some implications for research and further studies related to the practice of network-supported collaborative learning.合作學習溝通模式互動行為互動過程線上學習collaborative learningcommunication modeinteraction behaviorinteraction processonline learningInteraction Characteristics of Student Dyads in Solving Network-Supported Collaborative Tasks