黃偉豪Wong, Wai-ho2014-10-272014-10-272012-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25025香港經學,端賴民國以來南來學者而得以植根、閎肆。準此,本文試以陳湛銓及其交遊圈為切入點,揭櫫民國以來香港經學之一斑。筆者初步勾勒出的南來經學學者,計有陳湛銓、夏書枚、吳天任、饒宗頤、伍憲子、梁寒操、黃維琩、朱子範,發現這些南來經學學者,或師承遠紹清儒,或繼承清代家學,或靠自學,並將其經學思想延伸至香港。他們除對前人、時人的經學思想予以取捨外,更推陳出新,提出新的經學觀點,甚或賦予經籍以現代意義,使之經世致用。此外,本文擬出研究民國以來香港經學的其中兩條線索,一是以學海書海為中心,一是以《廣東文獻》等文獻資料為線索,希望各方經學專家進一步共同窺探民國以來香港經學之全豹。The studies of the Confucian Classics in Hong Kong are developed and widespread by the mainland scholars who immigrated to Hong Kong after the establishment of the Republic of China (ROC). This paper discusses the aspect of the studies of the Confucian Classics in Hong Kong since ROC’s establishment by looking into CHEN Zhanquan and his social and academic network, which include Xia Shumei, WU Tianren, RAO Zongyi, WU Xianzi, LIANG Hancao, HUANG Weichang and ZHU Zifan, and discovers that the Confucian Classic thoughts that they advocated in the territory are derived from the Qing scholars, or their own ancestors, or self apprehension. What is most significant is that they tried not only to accept or reject the opinions of both ancient and contemporary scholars, but also to put forward more inspirational and modern interpretations on the classics. In addition, this paper suggests two perspectives for academics and scholars to research on the studies of the Confucian Classics in Hong Kong from the ROC establishment onwards: one is Hok Hoi Association of Hong Kong; and the other is Guangdong Wenxian and relevant documents.民國時期香港經學南來學者陳湛銓交遊圈學海書樓The Republic of China PeriodStudies of Classics in Hong KongMainland scholars in Hong KongCHEN ZhanquannetworkHok Hoi Association of Hong Kong香港南來學者的經學思想──以陳湛銓及其交遊圈為中心Confucian Classic Thoughts of the Mainland Scholars in Hong Kong: From a Perspective of Chen Zhanquan and His Network