鄧敦建Teng, Tun-Chien曾立偉Tseng, Li-Wei2019-09-032016-8-252019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060173015H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97122本論文研究目標為利用雷射燒蝕導光板設計大尺寸高指向的背光模組。高指向式背光模組可應用於指向時序式3D立體顯示,其優點有不會降低液晶面板的解析度與低能量耗損。我們使用CO2雷射打在材料為PMMA的導光板上,雷射的能量大小影響結構形狀。使用低能量的雷射製作出的表淺結構導光板,其出光十分集中在遠離法線的區域。由於結構細微,在重疊後不破壞出光集中度的條件下設計雙層雙邊入光之背光模組。以Lighttools進行建模與模擬。經過設計之背光模組,具有兩組偏離法線的出光強度峰值,在模組上方加上經過設計的多段逆稜鏡膜,便可得到具有兩股夾法線較小的出光峰值之背光模組,其出光峰值分別在5度與-4度,半高全寬分別為13與10.5度,串擾為5%與7%。出光面長480 mm寬74 mm,並排後可應用於20吋以上指向式立體顯示功能的電視或顯示器使用。This studyis to design a large-size directional backlight module based on a laser-ablated light guide platewith high collimation can be applied to3D Directional sequential backlight, and its advantages are can use full resolution of liquid panel and without energy consumption. We treat the surface of PMMA light guide plane(LGP)with CO2digital laser.The energy oflaser affectsthe size and shape of structure onLGP. The light emitted from the LGP with superficial structures(SMC LGP)on it which treated with low-energy laser is concentrated and away from normal directionof output surface.Due to the superficial structureson the LGP, we can overlap anotherSMC LGP on it without destroyingits concentration of outputlight.We build the model of directional sequential backlightmodule which hastwo SMC LGPsand a Multi-slope inverse prism film(MIPF) byLighttools. The simulation results show the intensity peak are at 5∘and -4∘; the full width half maximum(FWHM)are 13∘and 10.5∘; the crosstalk are 5% and 7%. The transverse width ofDSB module reaches 480 mm. It can provide more than 20 inches 3D monitor or 3D TV applications.雷射燒蝕導光板3D顯示指向時序式背光模組laser-ablated LGP3D imageDirectional sequential backlight module雷射燒蝕導光板應用於大尺寸高指向性之背光模組設計The design of a large-sized directional backlight module based on a laser-ablated light guide plate