胡元玲Hu, Yuan-Ling鄭登允Zheng, Deng-Yun2019-08-282020-05-172019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060483001I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85832有鑑於方東美除了暢談中西哲學的思想理論以外,本身也相當注重生命哲學的精神,並將此實踐於社會之中,成為其生生哲學「體用如一」的體現。進而筆者試圖去了解,方氏為何如此推崇中國哲學精神,特別於華嚴哲學「廣大和諧」的理念。為何認為華嚴思想,可化解西方哲學的矛盾與對立,並可從西方懷德海「機體主義」哲學,作為理解華嚴「法界觀」思想的重要路徑。若以整個中西哲學史脈絡來看,對照方氏所側重的討論題材,便可探究其為何如此詮釋,與推崇華嚴「法界觀」思想之原因。 因此,本論文研究方法是,先將中西雙方的哲學史進程各作鋪陳。一方面,從中國哲學發展,分析華嚴思想為何能在中國扎根,為何方氏相當重視華嚴思想,認為其體系相當完備,能夠與儒、道思想作結合。另一方面,則探討中西哲學精神在根本上的差異以外,同時也分析西方哲學於歷史上的思維轉折,探究其如何逐漸能與中國哲學作會通。 最後,本論文將從華嚴「廣大和諧」與懷德海「機體主義」思想,作為中西方哲學思想融攝的基礎,以此來理解方氏對於從古至今歷史潮流演變的關心。另在忽視人文精神,而特重物質科技發展的時期,而作的一些現代反思,也能理解方氏於華嚴思想上的詮釋,及其推崇的意義。故將思想與歷史結合,以此探究方氏華嚴思想作為本論文之定位,盼能對現今方氏中西哲學的研究討論有所貢獻。Regarding Thomé H. Fang’s discussion on East-West philosophical theory, we can realize that his thought is a system of pursuing life's spirit and social practice, and that presenting Ti and Yong as his philosophy of Creative Creativity. Therefore, the author tries to analyze why he esteemed the spirit of Chinese philosophy, especially the Huayan idea of Comprehensive Harmony, and why it can resolve the dualistic thinking mode of Western philosophy. The name of Whitehead recurred frequently in his Huayan School Philosophy. He thinks that Whitehead's philosophy can be used as an important way to understand Huayan thought. If we look back at the historical development process of his discussion, we will comprehend why he reveres the Perspective of Dharmadhatu in Huayan thought. Thus, the author will apply a way of historical philosophy to narrate in details in this thesis, exploring and analyzing the differences between East and West, and finding why they can assimilate each other. On the other hand, the author attempts to discuss why Huayan thought can take root in China, combining Confucianism and Taoism. Finally, the author will explain that Fang is concerned about the transformation trends throughout history by Huayan Comprehensive Harmony and Organism. Considering the neglect of humanism and the sole emphasis on technology, with this reflection of the modern times, we can realize Fang's intention as well as his interpretation. In this thesis, which combines the study of philosophy with the study of history, the author looks forward to contributing to the research of Fang's philosophy.方東美中西哲學華嚴宗法界觀懷德海機體主義現代思潮Thomé H. FangEast-West PhilosophyHuayan SchoolDharmadhatuWhiteheadOrganismModern reflection方東美華嚴思想研究──以「法界觀」分析與融攝中西思維模式The Study of Thomé H. Fang’s Huayan Thought:Analyzing and Assimilating East-West Thinking Mode by the Perspective of Dharmadhatu