嚴 貞Yen, Jen高嵐Gao, Lan2019-09-052019-08-282019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060368026T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103069摘要 生理期是女性的「好朋友」,卻常常令女性身體不適造成心理上的負面情緒,而 女性在生理期間的好朋友--衛生棉則扮演必需使用的重要角色。隨著女性經濟獨立而 成為消費市場之主力,在消費行為的要求上,不僅追求商品實用性,更注重產品的包 裝與品味,因此,為迎合女性消費訴求的商品也愈來愈多。 衛生棉包裝如何迎合女性族群之喜好,符合其生理期身體與心理特徵及訴求,且 兼具實用性、美觀性與趣味性,塑造商品辨識性與市場其他同類型商品區隔,最終能 凸顯其特色,並能促進銷售是包裝設計師的重要議題。本研究旨在了解女性在使用衛 生棉時對於其包裝設計的體驗與感受,探討如何創作出能符合女性消費者訴求的包裝 設計,期望創作出受到女性消費者喜愛、符合女性生理期情感訴求的衛生棉包裝設計。 本研究先進行文獻歸納整理,蒐集台灣市佔率較高之五大品牌衛生棉商品,選取 48 件包裝設計樣本,以文本分析法對其視覺設計之主色彩、造形元素、表現形式、 版面編排進行分析,以此了解現有市售女性衛生用品包裝設計概況、視覺風格及品牌 差異。通過現況分析發現市售之衛生棉包裝視覺設計較為相似,鮮少有創新之處,因 此大多數品牌缺少商品識別性與市場區隔。在進行創作時,依據女性消費者注重商品 外表與情感因素特徵之考量,增添衛生棉包裝趣味、美觀性、紓緩女性生理期壓力為 創作目標,設定出以寵物、旅行、野餐、遊樂園為主題的情境與視覺元素,創作出「寵 物」、「旅行」、「花園野餐」、「旋轉木馬」系列衛生棉包裝設計。 本研究經由創作至四系列衛生棉包裝而得到創作結論如下:(1)設計者在創作時通 過扮演消費者角色來體驗與評估市售之商品,並以滿足消費族群之情感訴求做為包裝 設計之目標,可使所設計出的包裝更具功能性,並能符合消費者的訴求;(2)選擇設計 目標族群喜好之事物為設計主題以發想設計概念,並模擬其生活方式,創造使用的情 境,則可以增添包裝設計的創意性與趣味性,進而塑造出商品辨識性與市場區隔。Abstract Menstruation, female`s good friend, also brings unpleasant physical effects and psychologic depression to women; while, sanitary napkins ---- female’s really friend during menstruation plays a very important role as daily necessity. Along with the arising in females’ economic independence and women become the main force in market, for their demand in consume behavior, they pay a lot attention to commodity practicability and more attention to commodity package and taste. Therefore, more and more goods have been produced to meet female’s consumption demand. It is an important topic for package designer to design package for sanitary napkins to please female, to meet women’s features and needs physically and psychologically during their period with the consideration of package utility, visual impression and entertaining, to create commodity identification and differ it from the other goods in the same catalogue, and finally to highlight the package characteristics and improve its selling. With the hope that we can design the qualified sanitary napkin package in popularity with female and meet their needs emotionally during menstruation, this research aims to figure out female’s experience and feeling about package design when using sanitary napkins, and design satisfactory package in accordance with female consumers’ demand. Firstly, the present author of this dissertation conducted bibliographic collection and selected 48- package design samples from top 5 sanitary napkins brands in Taiwan. In order to understand the over view, visual style and brand difference of sanitary napkins package design in the market, this dissertation analyses the main color, modeling element, presenting pattern and page editing. After analyzation, it turned out to be that there is much similarity in visual design of package among all sanitary napkins in market and seldom does exist innovation, therefore, there is no much difference in most brands as commodity identification in market. When designing the packages, the research takes the feature into consideration that women pay lots attention to goods appearance and emotion, and targets II to add entertaining, visual expression and release women’s pressure during their period; “pets”, “travel”, garden picnic”and “merry-go-round” series sanitary napkin packages have been designed with pets, travel, picnic and amusement park set as background and visual element. From creation to the four series sanitary napkin package, we make a conclusion from this research that: (1) By acting as consumer to experience and assess the commodity and aiming to satisfy consumers’ emotional needs, designers can make their designing package more practical and match consumers’ requirement; (2) By choosing target groups’ favored stuff as design topic to intrigue design concept, simulate their lifestyle and create useful background, designers can produce innovation, and entertaining to package design, so that commodity identification and market distinction will come into been.包裝設計衛生棉包裝設計女性生理期女性消費特徵package designsanitary napkin package designwomen’s menstruationfemale consuming feature女性衛生用品包裝設計創作研究A Study on Female Sanitary Napkin Packaging Design