林靜萍Lin, Ching-Ping葉思含Yeh, Szu-Han2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060330060A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105021本研究旨在探討將個人與社會責任教學模式融入體育課中,對於八年級學生在責任層級的表現情形以及對同儕關係的影響。研究參與者為台北市某公立完全中學之八年級學生,男生12位、女生16位,班上學生有明顯口出穢言、打人、小團體及排擠之現象。研究方法以參與觀察、訪談資料及問卷調查作為資料蒐集的方式,記錄學生於課程實施前後之行為改變。研究結果:1.學生於體育課融入TPSR責任模式在責任層級-尊重他人、合作顯示前後測驗成績達顯著差異;在責任層級-努力、自我導向、幫助他人、遵守課堂常規,顯示前後測成績未達顯著差異;2. TPSR的融入使得學生更懂得尊重他人,在課程參與合作中皆有明顯的提升,但易受同儕的影響,無法自我要求,自我導向與領導部分需再加強;3. TPSR責任模式體育課對班級全體與個別學生的同儕關係中,皆有正面的提升;4.體育課融入TPSR能提升同儕之間的互動關係,也能有效改善小團體的分裂情況。結論與建議:TPSR課程的融入能有效提升學生的責任行為與同儕關係,建議教師在課程設計上應考量學生特質以設計適當的課程,另教師賦權後,須從旁適時的管理,以協助學生能達到自主要求。The purpose of this study was to explore the personal and social responsibility into the physical education, the influence on students’ responsibility and peer relationship. Participants were 8th graders (12 males and 16 females) with rude behavior in a comprehensive junior-senior high school in the Taipei City. Data was collected through participant observation, interviews and questionnaires to record students’ behavior before and after the course. Results showed that 1. There were significant differences for respect and cooperation; however, no significant differences were found for effort, self-direction, helping others and following class rules. 2. TPSR makes students more respect for others, more curriculum participation and effort, but need to strengthen in self-direction and leadership because they were vulnerable to peer influence. 3. After the class, they had a positive improvement in class and individual student peers. 4. TPSR could enhance the interaction between peers, but also effectively improve the division of small groups. Conclusion and Suggestion: The integration of TPSR curriculum can effectively improve the students' responsibility behavior and peer relationship. The study recommended that teachers should consider the characteristics of students while design the curriculum. After the teacher's empowerment, teachers should be managed from the side to help students achieve their own Claim.品格教育偏差行為責任層級character educationresponsibility leveldeviant behavior應用個人與社會責任模式於國中體育課對學生責任行為與同儕關係之影響The Influence of Applying Responsibility Model on Students’ Responsibility and Peer Relationship in Junior High School