潘裕豐Pan, Yu-Fong陳凌羽Chen, Ling-Yu2020-12-142020-07-242020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060409023E%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110365本研究旨在探討以桌上遊戲融入情意課程教學方案對國小資優生在情緒智能方面之成效,及學習滿意度的調查,研究對象為雲林某國小資優班16位學生及苗栗某國小資優班16位學生。研究方法採準實驗研究之不等組前後測設計,透過「情緒智能量表青少年版(EQ-i: YV)」實施前後測評量後對資料進行共變數分析處理,並請學生於每堂課後填寫心得及課程滿意度量表作為質性資料的補充。研究結果如下: 一、「桌上遊戲融入情意課程教學方案」在提升國小資優生於情緒智能量表之「內省」,未顯著高於控制組。 二、「桌上遊戲融入情意課程教學方案」在提升國小資優生於情緒智能量表之「人際」,顯著高於控制組。 三、「桌上遊戲融入情意課程教學方案」在提升國小資優生於情緒智能量表之「壓力管理」,顯著高於控制組。 四、「桌上遊戲融入情意課程教學方案」在提升國小資優生於情緒智能量表之「適應」,顯著高於控制組。 五、「桌上遊戲融入情意課程教學方案」在提升國小資優生於情緒智能量表之「一般心情」,顯著高於控制組。 六、「桌上遊戲融入情意課程教學方案」在提升國小資優生於情緒智能量表之「正向印象」,顯著高於控制組。 七、「桌上遊戲融入情意課程教學方案」在提升國小資優生於情緒智能量表之「情緒智能總分」,顯著高於控制組。 八、接受「桌上遊戲融入情意課程教學方案」之國小資優生於情意課程的學習滿意度高。 本研究依據上述結果提出建議,以期能提供教學實務與未來研究之參考。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness and learning satisfaction of integrating board-games into affective curriculum program on the emotional intelligence quotient of elementary school gifted students. The subjects of the study are 16 gifted students from Yunlin elementary school and 16 gifted students from Miaoli elementary school. The research method adopts the pre- and post-test design of quasi-experimental research. After implementing the pre- and post-test through the " Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (EQ-i: YV)", the data is analyzed and processed by covariance. In addition, students were asked to fill in their experience and satisfaction scale after each class as a supplement to the qualitative data. The results are as follows: 1. In improving the " Intrapersonal " aspect of the elementary school gifted student's Emotional Quotient Inventory, the experimental group's results that implement the " Integrating board-games into affective curriculum program " were not significantly higher than the control group. 2. In improving the " Interpersonal" aspect of the elementary school gifted student's Emotional Quotient Inventory, the experimental group's results that implement the " Integrating board-games into affective curriculum program " were significantly higher than the control group. 3. In improving the " Stress Management " aspect of the elementary school gifted student's Emotional Quotient Inventory, the experimental group's results that implement the " Integrating board-games into affective curriculum program " were significantly higher than the control group. 4. In improving the " Adaptability " aspect of the elementary school gifted student's Emotional Quotient Inventory, the experimental group's results iv that implement the " Integrating board-games into affective curriculum program " were significantly higher than the control group. 5. In improving the " General Mood Scale " aspect of the elementary school gifted student's Emotional Quotient Inventory, the experimental group's results that implement the " Integrating board-games into affective curriculum program " were significantly higher than the control group. 6. In improving the " Positive impression " aspect of the elementary school gifted student's Emotional Quotient Inventory, the experimental group's results that implement the " Integrating board-games into affective curriculum program " were significantly higher than the control group. 7. In improving the total score of the elementary school gifted student's Emotional Quotient Inventory, the experimental group's results that implement the " Integrating board-games into affective curriculum program " were significantly higher than the control group. 8. The elementary school gifted student who accepted the " Integrating board-games into affective curriculum program " have highly learning satisfaction in the affective curriculum. Based on the above results, the researcher proposed relevant suggestions for teaching practice and future research.桌上遊戲情意課程國小資優生情緒智能學習滿意度board-gamesaffective curriculumelementary school gifted studentsEmotional Quotient Inventorylearning satisfaction桌上遊戲融入情意課程教學方案對國小資優生情緒智能之成效研究A Study on the Effect of Integrating Board-Games into Affective Curriculum program on the Emotional Intelligence Quotient of Elementary School Gifted Students