柯皓仁Ke, Hao-Ren王正蘋Wang, Chen-Ping2023-12-082022-09-272023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ce354cb721d1413cf97cff58d3aa1882/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119375本研究在探究國立臺灣師範大學(以下簡稱臺師大)圖書館總館新設學習討論空間作為第三場域與讀者滿意度調查。研究對象為臺師大圖書館總館新設學習討論空間的使用者,分別為使用者使用頻率、臺師大圖書館總館新設學習討論空間作為第三場域及讀者滿意度三個不同的面向進行分析。本研究採用問卷調查研究法,因爆發疫情,研究者從 2021 年 5 月 17 日至 2021 年 6 月 17 日,為期一個月於線上進行問卷發放, 共計回收 1286 份問卷,其中有效問卷為 847 份。本研究依據問卷分析結果,總結出八項結論:(一) 臺師大圖書館總館新設學習討論空間的使用者以女性居多,以學生族群為主,且使用者以教育學院(含學習資訊專業學院)居多。(二) 臺師大圖書館總館學習討論空間之回訪率高,使用者使用頻率為一星期兩次以上為主,使用時段以下午為主,停留時間以一小時內為主。(三) 臺師大圖書館總館學習討論空間之使用者單獨前來為主,使用目的以個人研讀課業佔多數,最常使用設施與區域為三樓的多元共學區。(四) 臺師大圖書館總館學習討論空間作為一個第三場域的程度符合 Oldenburg(1989)第三場域的八大特性。(五) 臺師大圖書館總館學習討論空間作為第三場域與使用者使用頻率無正相關。(六) 臺師大圖書館總館學習討論空間每一項設施及設備滿意度皆在滿意以上。 (七) 臺師大圖書館總館學習討論空間之使用者滿意度與使用者使用頻率無正相關。(八) 臺師大圖書館總館學習討論空間之使用者滿意度與臺師大圖書館總館學習討論空間作為第三場域有正相關。根據研究結果,提出研究建議:(一) 加強國立臺灣師範大學圖書館總館學習討論空間能讓使用者討論溝通的宣導與標示。(二)加強新空間的清潔與打掃。(三) 增加三樓座位數量並保持秩序以及將健身器材移至專屬空間。This study aims to exploring the discussion space of National Taiwan Normal University Library as a third place and the satisfaction of its users. It takes the users of the discussion space of National Taiwan Normal University Library as the research object, and it is divided into categories and analyses them: user frequency, the discussion space of National Taiwan Normal University Library as the third place and the satisfaction of its users.This study adopts a questionnaire survey method. Due to the outbreak of the epidemic this year, questionnaires response collected from users of the discussion space of National Taiwan Normal University Library’ during the period between May 17nd to June 17th 2021. A total of 1286 questionnaires were collected, which 847 were valid.Based on the results of questionnaires analysis, there are some conclusions below: Firstly, the discussion space of National Taiwan Normal University Library users most are female, and they are mainly students, and the majority of users are colleges of education (including colleges of learning information). Secondly, the return visit rate is high, the user frequency is mainly more than twice a week, the use time is mainly in the afternoon, and the stay time is mainly within one hour. Furthermore, results also show that the discussion space of National Taiwan Normal University Library meets Oldenburg’s third place eight criteria. Moreover, the discussion space of National Taiwan Normal University Library as a third place and the user frequency are not positively correlated. Lastly, Satisfaction with every facility and equipment in the discussion space of National Taiwan Normal University Library is above satisfaction.Based on the results of this study, there are some suggestions for the discussion space of National Taiwan Normal University Library. First, promote the propaganda and labeling that allow users to discuss and communicate in the discussion space of National Taiwan Normal University Library. Furthermore, strengthen the cleaning and cleaning of the new space. Lastly, increase the number of seats on the third floor and maintain order, and move fitness equipment to a dedicated space.大學圖書館使用者滿意度調查第三場域問卷調查法university libraryuserssatisfaction surveythird placequestionnairesurvey method國立臺灣師範大學圖書館總館學習討論空間作為第三場域之使用情形與讀者滿意度研究A Study on the Discussion Space of National Taiwan Normal University Library as a Third Place and the Satisfaction of Its Usersetd