洪儷瑜單延愷2014-10-272014-10-272005-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15764國內在「嚴重情緒障礙」學生的鑑定工作實施的困難與分歧,主要是由於對於嚴重情緒障礙之定義、鑑定流程以及資料蒐集等三者未能加以統整在一致的概念下,且缺乏系統性的架構引導所致。從我國對於嚴重情緒障礙的定義以及鑑定流程中應有的基本原則概念來論述鑑定的過程,並以「蘇格拉底式的自我對話」來協助釐清每個決策背後的理念,並在其中重新定位醫學診斷的角色,讓特殊教育回歸到以學校本位的角度。同時,亦以某縣市國小現行的鑑定流程為例,探討理論與實務之差距,藉此反思與澄清對嚴重情緒障礙學生鑑定工作之了解,進而希望提升該項工作在實務上之執行品質。The identification of students with "serious emotional disabilities (SED)" often found without a systematic framework to guide the practice. This resulted in the losing link among the definition of SED, procedure of identification, and the assessment. This article discussed the process of identification of SED from the definition of SED and the operational procedure of SED. The "Socrates' self dialogue" was used to clarify the rationale behind decision making during the assessment. The emphasis of school-based approach for special education was addressed by defining the role of medical diagnosis in the identification of SED. Finally, a case of the identification of SED implemented in Taiwan was discussed as an example of the discrepancy between theory and practice. Through the case study, more understanding of educators working with SED students was expected.情緒障礙特殊學生鑑定醫學診斷Emotional disabilitiesIdentification of special education students如何鑑定嚴重情緒障礙學生How to Identify the Students with Serious Emotional Disabilities -- The Link between Theory and Practice