王順美Wang Shun-Mei吳柏毅Wu Bo-Yi2019-09-052011-2-222019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696460064%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/1037151967年Lynn White提出基督宗教為環境問題的根源,引起基督教的辯論,其中有神學家從神學中反省重新探究上主、人與自然三者之間的關係,進而發展出生態神學。本研究採用質性研究方法,藉由瞭解一位基督教牧師的生態理念與實踐,探索基督宗教中的生態理念,本研究問題為透過協同研究者的生態理念,以及在教會中的環境行為實踐,瞭解基督宗教具有哪些生態理念? 牧師的生態理念包含:1. 回到信仰中重新建立生態典範,反省創造與救贖觀點,並認為受造物的完整為救贖的完成; 2. 重新定義信仰的中心是上主,去除各種集中式的思維模式;3. 瞭解人類的有限性;4. 罪是破壞上主與人的約定;5. 人可從自然中重新認識與感受上主;6. 透過自然,與上主連結;7. 自然具有內在價值; 8. 關係的建立是使上主賦予自然的內在價值實現的先決條件;9. 再創造的能力; 10. 當人彼此間不公義,土地也一同受苦;11. 以「生態教會」與「再生教會」為實際操作的方式。 本研究所得發現認為,生態神學對基督徒而言是另一種認識上主的管道,並使得基督徒的信仰更為全面,同時基督徒亦會獲得友善環境的價值觀。研究者建議,教會可藉由發展生態神學成為另一種推展環境教育的場域。In 1967, Lynn White in his essay indicated that the original problem of our ecological crisis was rooted in Christian’s Anthropocentric thought, which aroused the debate within Christians. Many Christian theologists developed a new theory called Ecotheology by reflecting on the theology and then re-discussing the relationship among God, Human, and Nature. The purpose of this study is to explore a Taiwanese preist’s reflection on Ecotheology. In this study, qualitative research is employed including interview, documents collection, and observation. There are following concepts to be concluded from the preist’s reflection on Environmental Belief : 1. Reconstruct ecological point of view into theological system, including reflecting one’s understanding on creation and redemption, and further acknowledge the completion of redemption comes from creator completely; 2. Redefine God as the core one’s religion and dissociate one’s mind from centralizing thoughts; 3. Understand the limitation human being; 4. Sin destroys the agreement between God and mankind; 5. Understand and be with God through nature; 6. Mankind could rebuild the relationship with God through nature experience; 7. There is intrinsic value in nature; 8. God’s relationship with mankind decides and reveals the intrinsic value of nature. 9. The power of re-creation. 10. When there is unrighteous among mankind, the land suffers too. 11. Build up ‘ecologial church’ and ‘regenesis church’ for missionary purpose.According to the research results, the researcher made suggestions for the Church and further researchers. The research found that eco-theology practice could be a alternative way for Christian to get close to God, and it leads to a better understanding of Christianity and build environmental friendly values. Researcher suggests Christian church to introduce eco-theology as it’s also part of environment education.基督宗教生態神學環境倫理環境行動Judeo-ChristianEcotheologyEnvironmental EthicEnvironmental Action一位台灣牧師的生態理念與實踐Environmental Belief and Action of a Priest in Taiwan