黃明月Hwang, Ming-Yueh張文怡Chang, Wen-Yi2023-12-082027-07-262023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/086c99383bb0b2d2d788a523ab5f0d79/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119736隨著心理資本之概念興起,運動心理學界也開始探討其對選手之重要性。過去研 究發現運動員擁有較高的心理資本有助於減少運動倦怠,並且對運動表現也會有正向 的影響,然而,教練作為選手生涯中的重要他人,其想法與行為會直接影響到選手的 認知、情緒甚至是行為與心理狀態,因此,本研究旨在探討學生運動員知覺教練領導 行為、教練-選手關係與心理資本之相關情形,並進一部探討教練選手關係於教練領導 行為與心理資本間的中介效果。研究採用問卷調查法,以叢級取樣選取北部大專院校校級代表隊之 191 位學生運 動員為研究象,在徵得同意後,使用「教練領導行為量表」、「教練-選手關係量 表」及「運動心理資本量表」為研究工具。所得資料將以 SPSS 23.0 進行描述性統 計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、皮爾遜積差相關及階層迴歸分析來探討其中的中介效果。研究結果發現教練選手關係與心理資本達顯著正相關,教練領導行為之「民主行為」、「訓練與指導行為」、「關懷行為」、「獎勵行為」與心理資本及教練選手關係達顯著正相關,「專制行為」與教練選手關係達顯著負相關,但和心理資本之相關結果未達顯著。研究同時也發現教練選手關係於教練領導行為與運動心理資本間存在部分中介效果,亦即教練領導行為會透過教練選手關係的中介效果,而對心理資本產生正向影響。透過上述研究結果,給予教練在教學模式上的反思與調整策略之應用。With the rise of psychological capital, researchers in sports psychology have begun to discuss its importance to athletes. Previous studies showed that athletes with higher psychological capital can help reduce sports burnout and have a positive impact on sports performance. However, being significant others in an athlete's career, the coach's thoughts and behaviors will directly affect athlete's performance, cognition, emotion, and even mindset. This study aims to investigate the relationships between coach's leadership, coach-athlete relationship, and college student-athletes' psychological capital, as well as to further explore the mediating effect of the coach-athlete relationship on coach's leadership behavior and psychological capital. This study adopted survey method. The Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS), the Coach-Athlete Relationship Questionnaire (CART-Q), and the Sport Psychological Capital Questionnaire were used to collect data. The Subjects were 191 student-athletes who attend the varsity at universities in northern Taiwan. The data were analyzed with SPSS statistic software to conduct descriptive statistics, T-test, Pearson correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis to explore the mediating effect. The research findings revealed that there is a significant positive correlation between the coach-athlete relationship and psychological capital. In the leadership aspect, democratic behavior, training and instruction, caring behavior, and rewarding behavior are significantly positively correlated with psychological capital and the coach-athletes relationship, but autocratic behavior is significantly negatively correlated with the coach-athletes relationship and has no significant correlation with psychological capital. We also found that the coach-athletes relationship has a partial mediating effect between the coach's leadership behavior and psychological capital, which means the coach's leadership behavior will have a positive impact on psychological capital through the higher coach-athlete relationship. The findings of this study can better help coaches adjust and reflect on their coaching strategy for college student-athlete.教練領導行為教練選手關係心理資本學生運動員Coach's LeadershipCoach-Athlete RelationshipPsychological CapitalStudent- athlete學生運動員知覺教練領導行為、教練-選手關係及其與心理資本關係之研究A Study on the relationships of Coach's Leadership, Coach-athlete Relationship and College Student-Athletes Psychological Capitaletd