張正芬吳碧玉Wu, Pi-Yu2019-08-282018-10-012019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0500091213%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91384本研究旨探討自閉症青少年的心理健康現況,以及探究不同背景變項下的自閉症青少年的心理健康差異情形及預測情形。使用的研究工具為「青少年身心健康量表」以及自編「學生基本資料問卷」、家長基本資料問卷」為研究工具,立意取樣基隆、臺北、新北地區國中、高中職的輕度自閉症學生共98位研究對象。所得資料再以統計方法之描述統計、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸分析進行資料的處理與統計分析。研究結果如下: 一、自閉症青少年之心理健康現況 自閉症青少年對整體身心健康與各分量表的心理健康狀況與與一般青少年相當。有七成青少年有正向的心理健康狀況,約有三成左右的學生有心理困擾。其心理健康程度由高到低分別為自我認同、生理健康、正向樂觀、安閒自在、開朗喜悅、活潑外向。自閉症青少年有正向的自我認同,社交困擾則是最大心理困擾。 二、高中職學生在生理健康、活潑外向,顯著優於國中學生,國中學生在正向樂觀優於高中職學生。 三、不同被告知年齡的自閉症青少年在全量表或分量表的心理健康狀況皆無顯著差異,但父母提早告知優於青少年自己發現的年齡。 四、不同教養方式的自閉症青少年在全量表或分量的心理健康狀,皆無顯著差異。 五、高社經地位的家庭的青少年開朗喜悅,顯著優於中、低社經地位的家庭。 六、不同學業成就的自閉症青少年在全量表或分量表的心理健康狀況皆無顯著差異。 七、不同同儕關係的自閉症青少年在全量表或分量表的心理健康狀況皆無顯著差異。 八、參加網路社群者的自我認同顯著優於沒有參加網路社群者。 九、年段、家庭社經地位、網路社群對自閉症青少年其心理健康之關係。 (一)年段增加對於自閉症青少年的生理健康、開朗喜悅、活潑外向以及整體身心健康有正向的影響;自我認同及正向樂觀則隨年段增加而有降低趨勢。 (二)家庭社經地位對於受試學生開朗喜悅、活潑外向、自我認同以及整體身心健康有正向的影響。 (三)網路社群對受試學生自我認同有正向的影響,其他層面則無差異。This purpose of the study was to investigate the current state of mental health of adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and to explore the mental health differences and predictions of ASD under different background variables. The research tools used are the “Mental Health inventory for Adolescent” and the "Student Basic Information Questionnaire" and the” Parent Basic Information Questionnaire “sent to 98 ASD members in junior high school and high school in Keelung, Taipei and New North. The data of Questionnaires was analyzed with SPSS statistical software. The resulting survey data with approaches as description statistics, one way ANOVA,and simultaneous multiple regression analysis. The results of this study were described as following: 1.Mental health status of adolescents with ASD The overall physical and mental health of adolescents of ASD and the mental health status of each subscale are comparable to those of adolescents. Seventy percent of the adolescents with ASD have positive mental health status, and about 30% of the adolescents with ASD have psychological problems. The level of mental health from high to low is self-identity, physical, positiveness , easiness, happiness,and sociability. The adolescents with ASD had positive self-identity and had troubled by social relationships. 2. The senior high school students are significantly better than junior high school students in physical health, sociability. The junior high school students are more positiveness than senior high school students. 3. There were no significant differences in the mental health status of adolescents of ASD who were informed of age on the full scale or subscale, but parents were informed earlier better than the age they found. 4. There was no significant difference in the mental health status of adolescents of ASD with different parenting teaching styles. 5. The high family socio-economic status are happyiness, significantly better than the middle and low family socio-economic status. 6. There was no significant difference in the whole mental health status of adolescents of ASD with different academic achievements in the full scale or subscale. 7. There was no significant difference in the whole mental health status of adolescents of ASD with different peer relationships in the full scale or subscale. 8. The self-identification of those who participate in the network community is significantly better than those who do not participate in the network community. 9. The relationship between the age, family social status, and network community on the whole mental health of adolescents of ASD. (1) The increase of their ages has a positive impact on the physical health, happiness, sociability and whole mental health of adolescents of ASD; self-identification and positiveness showed downward trend as their age increase. (2) The family socio-economic status has a positive impact on the students' happiness, sociability, self-identification and the whole mental health. (3) The network community has a positive impact on the self-identification of the students;other aspects as discussed in the study and the whole mental health showed no differences.自閉症青少年心理健康autistic adolescentsmental health自閉症青少年心理健康之研究A Study on Mental Health for Adolescents with mild Autism Spectrum Disorder