康台生余珮綺2019-09-052004-8-82019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000241%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103515人類的靈魂雖然暫時受限於肉身,但想像力的無遠坲界卻更加彌足可貴了;於是八千年前的古代祖先們早已開始透過神話與傳說中各式奇妙異想,來打破三度空間既定的邏輯慣例與限制。因此,創造了精采的創世紀故事、希臘神話、中國神話、埃及冥界等歷史上著名的文化寶藏與藝術古蹟。而十九世紀的超現實主義,深入人類潛意識進行探索,更是肆無忌憚地打破了傳統社會保守的禁忌,透過各式夢境再現的畫作帶領人們翱翔於各式神秘且不可思議的想像世界;如今數位時代的來臨,更是迫使新生代的創作者必須除了善用迅速變幻的科技,深度內化的美學修為才是豐富創作的泉源。 而本創作論文撰寫的主要目的,是在探討「超現實風格」之美感運用於數位影像的可能性。希望藉由人類企圖打破現實既有限制的奇幻異想,與近代具超現實風格的創作表現中,尋找各式表現手法;並透過數位影像的創作形式與技法,來應證自己的創作作品。 本研究主要分為四個部份: 首先,說明本研究的動機與目的,並依研究方法和範圍限制,擬定研究架構與流程。第二部份,藉由文獻探討的方式,回顧超現實風格的繪畫先驅、歷史淵源、創作意念與表現手法,並將所收集超現實主義藝術家的創作作品,就表現的特徵予以分析歸類與定名。第三部份,則將「數位影像」相關的成因、形式、表現性作一完整的探求和整理;且進一步將近代數位影像作品中運用超現實影像創作之應用實例,予以分析並應證。最後,以個人創作案例提出應證;並檢驗此表現手法的可行性:透過『沉睡的秘境』數位影像創作系列,將影像本質的豐富樣貌、美感形式的多元語彙以及情感表達的深刻體驗等數位影像的創作試探中,應證以上的理論,實驗超現實風格運用在數位影像創作上的可行性和表現性。Although human’s soul is temporarily confined to flesh, his/her transcendental imagination is proved to be more and more valuable. Eight thousand years ago, ancestors had employed various kinds of mythologies and legendaries to break the confinement of three-dimensional logical reasoning. In this way, they created the famous cultural treasures and artistic legacies such as Genesis stories, Greek mythologies, Chinese mythologies, and the Egyptian underworld. It should be noted that the nineteenth-century surrealism was designed to explore human subconsciousness. And it even braced itself for eliminating conservative taboos in traditional society, and used paintings, representations of all kinds of dreams, to lead human beings to figuratively fly in mysterious and unimaginable worlds. And with the coming of the digital age, the artists of new generations are required to not only make use of ever-changing high technology but also develop their own sense of aesthetics, enriching their innovative artistic works. The primary purpose of this research (ordissertation) is to explore whether it is possible to apply the surrealistic style of aesthetic sense to digital images. The author wishes to find out fresh ways of expressions through man’s unlimited, surrealistic imagination as well as some modern surrealistic works. In addition, the author will confirm his/her own creative works by means of digital image techniques. This study is divided into four main parts. First, the author explains the motivation and purpose of this study. Besides, according to certain mythologies and research scopes, the author designs this study’s scheme and procedure. Second, making most use of the literature review, the author traces back surrealism’s pioneers, historicity, ideas, and expressions. And, in terms of expressive characteristics, the collection of surrealistic artists’ works is analyzed, classified, and designated. Third, the origin, form and expression of “digital images” will be thoroughly discussed. Furthermore, the author will analyze the practical cases of how surrealistic image creation is applied to modern digital image works. Finally, the author uses her creative works as an illustration of whether this kind of expressive way is feasible. That is, through the serial digital image works entitled “the mysterious world of sound sleep,“ the author expresses the various shapes of the essence of images, the multiple vocabularies of aesthetic forms, and the genuine affection of life experiences. In this way, the author proves whether it is possible to apply the surrealistic style to digital image creation.超現實風格超現實主義數位影像Surrealistic StyleSurrealismDigital Image超現實風格應用在數位影像中的研究The Study of Surrealism Style on Digital Image Creation