佘永吉Sher, Yung-Ji林欣品Lin, Hsin-Pin2019-08-282020-01-012019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0504091215%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91445近年科技發展快速,科技輔助教學已融入教學現場領域,透過多媒體互動科技豐富教學現場。國中教育階段的身心障礙學生中,安置不分類身心障礙分散式資源班的學習障礙學生為多數,其學習特質和社會情緒皆影響該生的自我效能。本研究將以臺北市不分類身心障礙分散式國中資源班三名學習障礙學生為研究對象,探討即時回饋系統使用於資源班數學課介入教學後,影響自我效能的情形以及成效。研究方法為單一受試法A-B-A實驗設計,以資源班數學課程為研究場域,教學過程以即時回饋系統(IRS, Interactive Response System)的功能為自變項進行教學,課程結束以陳李綢、蔡順良所編制之《中學生自我效能量表》的學業表現、生涯發展、人際關係、體能表現作為依變項。另外,亦進行非正式訪談了解影響學生自我效能之因素。研究結果發現,使用即時回饋系統對於學習障礙學生的學業表現自我效能有立即效果改善,達顯著水準,未具維持效果;生涯發展自我效能多數有改善,達顯著,未具維持效果;人際關係自我效能多數有立即改善,多數未達顯著,未具維持效果;體能表現自我效能多數未具立即效果,未達顯著,多數具維持效果。整體而言,國中學習障礙學生期自我效能立即成效有改善。經過非正式訪談亦發現,學業表現自我效能受注意力、課程難易度、讀書習慣、健康狀況以及社會情緒影響;生涯發展自我效能受家庭背景、自我探索、課程內容影響;人際關係受社會技巧和溝通技巧影響;體能表現受健康狀況及運動喜好影響。Some studies have shown that students with learning disabilities who have low self-efficacy, because of their poor learning experience and less of learning motivation. In the light of this, the studies of assistive technology found using techology can make the students with learning disabilities conduce to their motivation and lead to influence self-efficacy. In this research, three students with learning disabilities were chosen as the research objects. The interactive response system (IRS) was used in the mathematics class in the resource room to influence the self-efficacy situation and effectiveness. The research method took up single subject A-B-A experiment design. The teaching processes based on the function of the IRS system were used as the independent variables. The course ended with "Self-Efficient Table for Middle School Students" were used as the dependent variables. In addition, informal interviews were conducted to understand the factors that influence students' self-efficacy factors. The study found that the use of IRS could improve immediate effects self-efficacy of academic performance and without maintenance effects. Most of the self-efficacy of career development had improved and maintenance effects. Interpersonal self-efficacy had improved but not significant. Most of the self-efficacy of physical fitness performance had immediate effects but not significant. Overall, the immediate effects on self-efficacy of middle school students with learning disabilities had improved. Informal interviews also found that self-efficacy was influenced by students’ health, conditions of curriculums, studying habits, social skills, and family backgrounds.不分類身心障礙分散式資源班學習障礙特殊需求即時回饋系統自我效能resource roomlearning disabilityspecial needsinteractive response systemself-efficacy使用即時回饋系統對國中學習障礙學生自我效能成效之研究The Effectiveness of Using Interactive Response System on Self-efficacy of Students with Learning Disabilities in Junior High School