陳若琳涂妙如李麗圳Jo-Lin ChenMiao-Ju TuLi-Chun Lee2016-05-042016-05-042014-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77975本研究旨在瞭解新北市家長對嬰幼兒相關托育服務使用現況及滿意度情形,主要以問卷調查方式收集資料,問卷調查0-3歲嬰幼兒家長,針對使用社區保母系統的家長、立案托嬰中心/公共托育中心的家長、與未使用托育服務並自行照顧嬰幼兒的家長,三種不同對象分別進行抽樣調查,得到有效問卷分別為451份、154份以及609份,研究結果發現如下:一、使用社區保母系統及托嬰中心/公共托育中心平均照顧比分別為1:2.27及1:4.79。未使用社區保母系統或托嬰中心托育服務且自行照顧的家長,主要原因以「自己或家人照顧能增進親子/家人情感」居多。二、使用社區保母系統照顧的家庭,以日間托育為主,平均每月托育費用包含三節節金為18,324.35元;送托私立托嬰中心照顧的家庭,平均每月托育費用包含註冊費為14,230.73元;由父母親自行照顧的家庭,托育費用皆為無償;由(外)祖父母/親友照顧且托育費用為有償者,平均每月托育費用包含三節節金為14,809.78元;由未加入社區保母系統之保母照顧的家庭,平均每月托育費用包含三節節金為18,342.13元。三、多數家長滿意保母以及托育人員的嬰幼兒照顧專業品質,由事後比較結果發現,使用社區保母系統以及使用托嬰中心的家長,對於寶寶日間被照顧品質的滿意度顯著地高於父母親自行照顧者、或(外)祖父母/親友照顧的家長。本研究根據研究結果,針對政府部門以及未來實務研究方向提出建議,以供推動托育相關政策或服務方案參考。This research aims to study the condition and satisfaction of early childcare for parents with young children aged 0-3 year-old in new Taipei city. The questionnaire survey was adopted to collect the data. The parent participants were recruited from community childcare provider scheme, infant care centers/public childcare centers and those who cared young children by parents, or grandparents/relatives. The valid questionnaires were 451, 154 and 609 from the three respective groups of parents. The results were as followed. According to the results of parental questionnaires, the average ratios of childcare provider for young children in community childcare provider scheme and infant care centers/public childcare centers were 1:2.27 and 1:4.79, respectively. The main reason for those parents who cared young children by themselves or grandparents/relatives was to increase the relationships between parents and young children or among family members. The most frequently used type of young child care for parents was day care. First, the average childcare cost including that of holiday bonus paid for family childcare providers from community childcare scheme by parents was NT$ 18,324.35 monthly. Secondly, the average childcare cost including the registration fee paid for private infant care centers was NT$14,230.73 monthly. Thirdly, the average childcare cost including that of holiday bonus paid for grandparents or relatives was NT$14,809.78 monthly. Finally, the average childcare cost including that of holiday bonus paid for family childcare providers out of community childcare scheme by parents was NT $18,342.13. Most parents were satisfied with the professional quality of child care for young children. According to one way ANOVA and post hoc comparisons, the results indicated that the parents who used the childcare services from the community childcare provider scheme and infant care centers/public childcare centers had significant higher satisfaction for child care tha嬰幼兒托育照顧社區保母系統公共托育中心托嬰中心父母自行照顧祖父母照顧childcare servicescommunity childcare provider schemepublic childcare centersinfant care centersparental caregrandparental care新北市家長對嬰幼兒托育照顧的滿意度研究Parental Satisfaction for Early Childcare in New Taipei City