林家興Lin, Jia-Xing陳辭人Chen, Tzu-Jen2019-08-282020-12-312019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0699010212%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90629本研究旨在探究大學生正念、壓力與憂鬱之關係。研究背景從研究者自身對於正念應用在身心健康提昇與關懷現今大學身心困擾的興趣做為出發點;經文獻探討後,本研究假設不同背景變項的大學生其憂鬱、壓力具有顯著差異且女性高於男性,大學生之正念與壓力及憂鬱的三者彼此間顯著相關,以及大學生之正念及壓力能有效預測憂鬱等面向。 研究方法主要採問卷調查法,以就讀於國立臺灣師範大學各系所的學生為研究樣本並採立意取樣抽取受試者;總計共441人填寫問卷,回收問卷為436份,獲得有效問卷358份,經統計後回收率為98.9%,反應率為82.11%,有效問卷回收率為81.18%。 本研究以「正念量表」、「樊式壓力檢視量表」和「董氏憂鬱量表(大專版)」為研究工具。資料處理的方法含描述性統計分析、皮爾森積差相關法、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸分析等統計方法。主要結果如下:1.大學生有明顯憂鬱情緒佔全體15.64%。2.大學生的壓力及憂鬱程度會因性別不同而有差異,但不因學院,年級的不同而有差異。3.大學生正念和壓力間呈現負相關。4.大學生正念和憂鬱間呈現負相關。5.大學生壓力和憂鬱間呈現正相關。6.大學生正念和壓力可有效預測憂鬱程度。 最後,研究者根據研究結果進行討論提出實務工作的應用與建議,以及本研究的限制和未來研究的方向。This study aimed to investigate the relationship among mindfulness, stress, and depression of university students in Taiwan. The study background comes from interests in the application of mindfulness for health promotion and care of today's university students physical and mental distress.By exploring research literature, The researcher hypothesized that the establishment of mindfulness, stress and depression have a significant difference for university students from different backgrounds and female significantly higher than male.In addition, university students have significant correlation between mindfulness, stress and depression;finally, The mindfulness and stress of college students can predict their degree of depression. This study used stratified purposive sampling to choose sample of each department university students in NTNU. A total of 441 completed questionnaires, 436 questionnaires were recovered,and 358 valid questionnaires are avalible. The recovery rate is 98.9%, Questionnaire completion rate is 82.11%, and valid questionnaires rate is 81.18%. The samples were administered a battery of self-report instruments including personal data form, mindfulness scale, Fan's pressure detection Scale,and Tung’s Depression Inventory for College Students (TDICS) . All valid data were analyzed with Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, one-way analysis of variance, and multiple linear regression methods. The study revealed the following results: (a) Students have significantly depressed mood accounted for 15.64% of all .(b) There were gender difference on depression, but no difference among college students of different college and grades. (c) The research outcomes indicate the negative correlation between mindfulness and stress, and the negative correlation between mindfulness and depression. (d) A significantly positive correlation is shown between depression and stress. (e) Mindfulness and stress significantly predict depression of college students. At last, researcher had proposed applicative and practical recommendations as well as limitations of this study to future investigators based on the results of this research.正念壓力憂鬱mindfulnessstressdepression大學生正念、壓力及憂鬱之相關性研究The Relationship among Mindfulness, Stress, and Depresssion in University Students