陳哲銘Che-Ming Chen李欣憶Hsin-yi Li2019-08-292006-7-32019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693230145%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94282問題導向學習是訓練學習者培養高層次能力之教學法,由教學者扮演促進者或指導者的角色,以真實世界的問題來刺激學習者學習;學習者透過分組合作的方式,以及自我導向學習的過程建構起相關知識,在主動探究問題解決的過程中,不僅提高了學習動機,也增進了學習成效。問題導向學習特別適合應用於複雜程度高、需跨學科統整的教學課程。網路非同步學習的特性,能提供延續課程的平台,融入問題導向策略,所構築出的網路學習環境,將有助於提高問題導向學習的價值,此外,透過網路進行學習則是未來教育的一大趨勢。因此本研究以台灣目前面臨的海岸環境問題為主題,結合問題導向學習教學策略和WebCT網路教學平台,建置一套教學模組,並與宜蘭近海的學校合作,以實驗研究來證實這種創新的教學法是否能達成較高層次的學習目標。研究結果發現,透過問題導向式網路合作學習的確能強化學生的地理概念,而分組角色扮演來解決真實世界的問題,不僅使學生更願意珍愛宜蘭的海岸,也從中訓練人際溝通的技巧,並增進同儕情誼,自導式的學習方式,有助於培養學生思考與解決真實世界問題等高層次能力。整體而言,學生態度由被動轉為積極,走出課本,關懷鄉土,並將地理融入於生活。Problem-based learning is a teaching approach which trains students to develop high ability. The teacher plays the role as a promoter and director, who stimulates learners’ learning by real-world problem. The learners construct the relative knowledge by team-work and self-directed learning. In the process of probing into the problems actively, the learners do not only uplift their learning motivation but also better their learning efficacy. Problem-based learning is especially appropriately applied to complicated, advanced, and multiple subject-integrated teaching courses. Network is not the characteristics of simultaneous learning but provides a platform for the extensive courses when the constructed network-learning environment involved problem-based learning strategy, it will help increase the value of problem-based learning. Becides, network learning will be a big trend for the future education.In this study, an innovative approach based on the problem-based learning strategy was provided. An online courseware, WebCT, was used as the platform for developing the instruction module of coastal environmental problems in Taiwan. In I-lan, a high school located near the coastal areas was invited to participate in this study. Students conducted problem-based field trips and shared their research findings via WebCT. The experimental research method was applied to evaluate whether this innovative approach would implement more advanced learning objectives and improve problem-solving skills. The results indicate that the application of the problem-based learning strategy on geography course could strengthen students’ understanding in geography concepts. The role-playing in groups could help students to solve the problems in a real world context. Besides, it didn’t only make the students cherish the I-lan coast more but also provided a chance for students to uplift their communicational skills as well as their friendship. As a whole, the students changed their passive attitudes toward the positive ones. The self-guided learning facilitated students’ high-level abilities of critical thinking and problem solving. They hence walked out the textbooks, concerned the local geography and history, and integrated geography into their authentic life.問題導向學習網路教學海岸地區管理地理教育problem-based learningnetwork learningcoastal zone managementgeographic education問題導向學習應用於高中地理海岸環境議題教學之研究The Application of the Problem-Based Learning Strategy for Teaching Coastal Problems in Senior High School Geography