信世昌Hsin, Shih-Chang陳姿文Chen, Zi-Wen2019-08-282016-08-252019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0699800198%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86246對於許多學習華語的非漢字圈學生來說,漢字一直都是主要的學習難點之一。如何使漢字教學更有效率、更具實用性與趣味性成為近年來教學者與研究學者們所關注的焦點。自1990年代起,任務型教學法漸成為主流第二語言教學法之一。任務法注重學習材料和交際過程的真實性,任務須根據實際交際情境以及學生的需求來設計。在華語教學的應用中,研究者們也肯定了任務法對於提升實用性和趣味性、加強學習動機等效果,但在漢字教學方面的應用還不多見。本研究的目的在於結合任務型教學與漢字教學的原則,設計出以完成交際任務為核心,同時兼顧漢字結構系統的漢字教學活動。 本研究首先蒐集對外漢字教學、非漢字圈學習者特點、任務型教學法等三方面的文獻資料,梳理出近年來漢字教學研究領域所關注的議題。為了解漢字教學的現況,對現有的漢字教材進行分析,並觀摩了臺師大開設的漢字課。在此基礎上,對非漢字圈成人學習者進行問卷調查,了解學生的漢字學習觀念、策略運用和生活中各種文本的困難度,並對華語教師進行訪談,了解其教授漢字的方法與遭遇到的問題。接著根據文獻、現況分析結果以及師生的需求訂定設計原則,提出任務型漢字教學活動範例。設計完成後,對外國學生進行試教,以檢視其成效,並根據師生的反饋意見修改了部分教案內容。本研究之成果可總結為下列幾點: 一、任務型漢字教學活動能將漢字的結構系統與語言的交際系統相結合,讓學生在以意義為主的學習活動中同時注意形式。二、任務型漢字教學活動提供學生主動學習、分組合作、發現漢字規律的機會,使漢字教學更具互動性及趣味性。三、漢字和任務型教學的結合讓學生體會漢字的交際實用性,即學即用,進而提高其學習興趣。For many learners from Non-Chinese character-using countries, Chinese characters have been one of the major difficulties in learning Chinese. In recent years, researchers and teachers have raised concerns for making character learning more efficient, practical and interesting. Since the 1990s, Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) has gradually become one of the mainstream approaches in second language teaching. TBLT focuses on the authenticity of texts and the communicative process. The design of tasks should be based on the actual needs of learners and real life communication. Many studies on the application of TBLT in Chinese teaching have shown that this method improves the learning process by making it more practical and interesting, therefore, enhances the learning motivation. However, the application of TBLT in teaching Chinese characters is still rare. This study aims to design a Chinese character learning activity that is based both on the principles of TBLT and that of Chinese character teaching. Through the activity, the learners would complete a series of tasks based on authentic texts and communication while paying attention to the structural system of Chinese characters. During the research process, we first conducted a literature review on the approaches and methods of Chinese character teaching, the learning style characteristics of the learners from non-character-using countries, and the application of TBLT. To better understand the status quo of Chinese character teaching, we conducted a classroom observation at the Mandarin Training Center, National Taiwan Normal University, and made an analysis of Chinese character textbooks. Furthermore, we carried out a questionnaire survey among novice-level students from non-character-using countries to understand their attitudes towards learning Chinese characters, their learning strategies, and how difficult some common texts they would encounter in daily life are. We also interviewed Chinese teachers to understand their teaching methods and the problems they encountered in teaching Chinese characters. Then, on the basis of literature review, status quo analysis, and the results of questionnaire survey and interviews, we set out the principles of instructional design and exemplified a teaching plan of task-based Chinese character learning activity. Subsequently, we conducted an experimental teaching to test the effectiveness of the activity, and modified the teaching plan according to the feedback from the teacher and the students who attended the experimental teaching. The findings of this study can be summarized as the following: 1. A task-based Chinese character learning activity can engage the learners in the meaning of communication while making them aware of the structural system of Chinese characters. 2. A task-based Chinese character learning activity provides more opportunities for active learning, helps the learners to identify the structural rules of Chinese characters by themselves or through pair work, and hence increases the interactivity and interest of Chinese characters learning. 3. Task-based activities meet the needs of the learners, introducing useful, authentic texts into learning, and thereby demonstrate the communicative practicality of Chinese characters and enhance their motivation and interest in learning.初級華語漢字教學教學設計任務型教學Novice Level Chinese as a Second LanguageChinese Character TeachingInstructional DesignTask-Based Language Teaching基於任務型教學法之初高級華語漢字教學設計Novice-High-Level Chinese Character Instructional Design Based on the Task-Based Method