徐敏雄Hsu, Min-Hsiung李伂俞Li, Pei-Yu2024-12-172024-05-312024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/90a8f1a47f8f337c29894ec28e2b4a26/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122608亙古以來,人們一直在探索如何在大環境中安身立命的方法,並透過建築替自己打造一個安全、舒適的居所。而在漫長的時光流轉中,人們卻也開始將建築的實質功能性轉為心靈層面上的寄託,因此近年來老屋修復再利用的議題及實踐成為熱門的話題。以目前老屋再利用的現象中,能夠觀察到面對不如預期的經濟效益、淺薄的消費文化與大環境中的資本競爭之下,已有不少店家走向殞落,但同時仍有不少人們前仆後繼地投身於此,是「什麼」支持著人們堅持在這樣的歧路上前行-即為本研究的核心問題,也作為當下老屋再利用研究中的研究缺口。 研究者以老屋再利用店家成員的身分,將大溪草店尾事務所作為個案研究,記述外地青年在地方的創業過程,試圖拼湊出人們在異鄉如何找到安身立命之處。本研究除了研究者在場域中6年以來的參與觀察外,也透過與地方上12位研究參與者的質性訪談進行資料蒐集,而從中發現社會資本的存在、形成的過程以及不同時期的變化發展,再透過人際網絡、社會價值與社會規範的爬梳,看見存在於其中的秩序,以此描繪出地方發展的形態輪廓,也確立了老屋再利用、社會資本與形態三者之間密不可分的關係。 事務所透過日常生活中的人際互動進行社會價值交流,在彼此交往的過程中不斷重複著非正式社會規範中的互惠行為,一步步累積出社會資本。在這樣的過程中,除了看見人際網絡中的關係發展藉由大量非正式社會聯繫讓關係中的工具性驅力轉為情感性驅力,逐步形成同質性為基礎的社會資本。此外,還看見地方上普遍認定的社會價值-「信任」長期滋潤著每個人在地方生活的日常,並於場域中形成普遍輕信的發展,帶動了人們之間的互惠行為。而進一步再梳理研究參與者的地方生活經驗、人際互動以及生活考量,發現生命經驗除了影響著個人立場以及個人在群體中的立場外,也連帶地影響了場域中的社會資本。透過一步步的推演,地方的形態發展脈絡逐漸清晰,將有助於欲來到地方長期發展的有志者打破「本地人」與「外地人」的迷思,也能夠了解互惠原則之於地方店家的企業社會責任,以及清楚看見地方上的人與場域之間的關聯。Since ancient times, people have been exploring ways to establish a secure and comfortable home within their environment through architecture. Over time, the fundamental functionality of buildings has also become a spiritual refuge. Recently, the topic and practice of old house restoration and reuse have become popular. Among the current phenomena of old house reuse, we can observe many businesses failing due to less-than-expected economic benefits, shallow consumer culture, and competitive pressures. Yet, many people continue to dedicate themselves to this path. The core question of this research is what sustains people's perseverance at this crossroad, highlighting a research gap in the study of old house reuse. As a member of an old house reuse business, the researcher takes the Daxi Back Street Office as a case study, describing the entrepreneurial process of non-local youth in a local setting, attempting to piece together how people find their place in a foreign land. In addition to six years of participatory observation in the field, the research also involves qualitative interviews with 12 local participants, uncovering the existence, formation, and evolution of social capital over different periods. Through the analysis of interpersonal networks, social values, and social norms, the order within them is revealed, outlining the form of local development and establishing the inseparable relationship between old house reuse, social capital, and figuration.The office facilitates the exchange of social values through daily interpersonal interactions, where reciprocal behavior in informal social norms is repeatedly enacted, gradually accumulating social capital. This process not only reveals the transformation of instrumental motives into emotional ones within interpersonal networks through extensive informal social connections but also sees the formation of homogenous social capital. Additionally, the commonly recognized social value of "trust" nourishes everyone's daily life in the locality, leading to a development characterized by thinner trust, which promotes reciprocal behavior among people. Further examination of the participants' local life experiences, interpersonal interactions, and life considerations shows that life experiences not only affect individual and group positions but also the social capital in the field. By gradually clarifying the developmental contours of local form, this research aids those aspiring to long-term development in the area by breaking down the myths between"locals" and "outsiders." It also enhances understanding of the corporate social responsibility of local businesses under the principle of reciprocity and clarifies the relationships between people and the field in the locality.老屋再利用社會資本形態Old House ReuseSocial capitalFiguration隱藏在老屋中的社會資本-以大溪草店尾事務所為例The social capital behind the old house–A Case Study of Back Street Office in Daxi學術論文