王仕茹Wang, Shih-Ju許雅涵Hsu, Ya-Han2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060255013O%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94614近幾年來,隨著網際網路的興起帶動了社群網站的普及,而網路上也出現了許多不同類型的社群網站,像是:Twitter、LinkedIn、Instagram等等,但其中,又以Facebook為最受歡迎以及使用者人數最多的社群網站,並且使用者能夠利用Facebook來分享各種資訊、維護現有關係及拓展新的人際關係,藉由大量的呈現自我資訊來經營個人身份及建立社會資本。一位使用者的Facebook上,會同時出現許多來自不同領域的好友,像是過去大學同學、同事、親戚家人及老闆,因此,Facebook出現了一個獨有的現象,稱為「群體共存」。本研究提出一理論模型,探討在群體共存下,使用者在進行資料處理的過程中,可能會因為擁有不同的個人特質而採取不一樣的管理應對策略,進而再驗證採取應對策略後是否會影響對於Facebook的參與程度。 本研究藉由網路問卷調查,取得523份有效樣本。研究結果顯示,公眾自我意識程度較高的使用者,傾向於採取預防型應對策略;而私人自我意識程度較高的使用者則採取矯正型應對策略。參與度影響方面,研究發現採取預防型應對策略者會提升對Facebook的參與程度,而矯正型應對策略者對Facebook的參與程度並沒有影響。最後,採取矯正型應對策略者會促使正向提升採取預防型應對策略,並於最後提出管理上的意涵以及未來研究方向。The development of Internet, leading to the popularity of social network sites in recent years, different types of social network sites have been arising, like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and so on. Especially, Facebook has become the most popular and having the largest number of users. Facebook users can share variety of information, maintain the relationship and expand the interpersonal relationship on Facebook, manage personal identity and establish social capital through personal information presentation. On Facebook, there are many friends from different spheres simultaneously, such as college classmates, colleagues, relatives and boss; therefore, there is a unique phenomenon on Facebook, called group co-presence. In this study, we propose a model to explain this phenomenon. In the process of data processing, Facebook users may adopt different kinds of strategies according to their personal characteristics under the group co-presence; further, we want to test whether adopting different strategies will affect Facebook engagement or not. In this study, the data were collected by network questionnaire. A total of 523 valid questionnaires are obtained. The results suggest, people who have more public self-consciousness, tend to adopt preventive strategies, on the other hand, people who have more private self- consciousness, tend to adopt corrective strategies. And Facebook engagement, the results suggest that Facebook engagement can be positively influenced by adopting preventive strategies, and adopting corrective strategies doesn’t influence on Facebook engagement. Finally, adopting corrective strategies will positively influence on adopting preventive strategies. Implications for managers and future research directions are discussed.臉書群體共存自我意識管理應對策略Facebook參與程度FacebookGroup co-presenceSelf-consciousnessStrategies of managementFacebook engagement自我意識對臉書使用者之應對策略與參與度之影響The Influence of Self-Consciousness on Facebook User’s Strategies and Engagement