陳文典張正平Chang Cheng-ping2019-09-052004-7-82019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069041007%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/102364由於教學活動是一種溝通傳達的過程,溝通能力在教學中應扮演著重要的角色。故本研究的主要目的,在於探求教師的溝通能力對於高中學生在物理科學習上的情形是否具有影響,以及影響的方式為何。為了達此目的,需先探究教師的溝通能力包含了哪些溝通技巧?學生的學習情形如何評估?以及兩者之間的關係如何?此外,本研究也試圖從學生的角度,來比較在不同的學習管道(如同儕、自修、課外補習...等)之間,在溝通技巧上之差異。 為了進行此項研究,本研究探討出教師在教學上的溝通能力可用:「引起動機、熱情活力」、「結構清晰、清楚簡明」、「多元訊息、加強管道」、「檢測反饋、適時回應」以及「態度尊重、地位平等」五大類的溝通技巧來代表,而本研究以學生在學校物理課時所自覺的「專心度」、「理解度」與「興趣度」三個面向,來代表學生在物理科學習時的情形。在研究的方法上,本研究以問卷調查法的方式,試圖從學生的觀點中,找到老師教學溝通能力與學生學習之間的關係。 本研究的結論為:(一)教師的教學溝通能力對學生學習確實具有影響、(二)「多元訊息、加強管道」與「結構清晰、清楚簡明」是影響最鉅的兩個因素,其次是「檢測反饋」與「引起動機」,而「態度尊重」似乎影響不大、(三)學生碰到物理問題或不理解課程內容時,最常解決的辦法是找同學問,因為同學間用語較淺、較無壓力感,也有較多時間可以學習。Teachers’ communication ability plays an important part in teaching since teaching itself is a kind of communication and transmission process. The main purpose of this study is to find out whether teachers' communication ability bear influence upon high school students' Physics studies, and the ways it affect them. In this study, the researcher would resolve several questions such as: what are the communication ability and skills? How can we appraise students' studying in Physics? and What’s the correlation between them? as well. In addition, the researcher also attempts to compare the different study channels (peer study, self study, after-school study…) with each other regarding communication skills from the students’ point of view. In order to proceed this study, the researcher assumed that teachers’ communication ability could be divided into five skills as the following: "Prompting motivation, being vigorous and enthusiastic", "Clarifying the structure of the context, being simple and plain", "Diversifying and strenghtening learning channels", "Examining feedback from students and responding properly" and "Respecting students and keeping in equal status with them" as well. Besides, the researcher chose the degree of "Concentration", "Understanding" and "Interest" representing the situation of students’ studying in Physics. The researcher used questionnaires to find out the correlation between teachers’ communication ability and students’ studying in Physics from students'viewpoint. The conclusions of this study are: (1) teacher's communication ability of teaching does influence students’ studying in Physics; (2) " Diversifying learning channels" and "Clarifying the structure of the context" are the two major factors. "Examining feedback" and "Prompting motivation" are of minor importance, and "Respecting students" seems to be insignificant; (3) students mostly ask their classmates to solve their problems when they encounter difficulties in Physics studies because their classmates use relatively simple and plain words, pose less pressure to them, and they have more time to study and discuss.溝通能力傳達能力教學溝通教師溝通能力學生學習communication abilitytransmission abilitycommunication of teachingteachers' communication abilitystudents' studies教師溝通傳達能力對學生學習的影響The influence of teachers' communication and transmission ability upon students' studies.