何懷碩Ho Huai-shuo林妙俞Lin Miao-yu2020-12-102008-7-32020-12-102008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694600244%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115284兩點之間的距離 — 林妙俞水墨創作論述 摘 要 如果說,點與點的標定,是我們對空間的認知,那麼點到點間的進程,則可視為時間的過程;〝一〞做為兩點之間的距離,則是我們解釋世界的一種方式。因此,當一的距離開展在兩點之間,其所開啟的,不僅是道的追尋,更是理的發端…。兩點之間做為問題的延展,當中的距離則是答案的指向。距離,做為認知對象世界的一種過程,〝保持距離〞在兩點之間,則成為觀看上的一種態度;足夠焦距所致成的距離,雖使心物分離,但卻更為体近彼此;而適當的距離,則會讓價值體顯在不同觀點下。 距離,是我們選擇觀看的方式;〝保持距離〞在不同的兩點之間,則為此篇論述的主要。距離在感知與理知的兩點之間,〝一〞是為東方詮釋世界的主要思維,〝直覺〞則是西方解釋世界的必要認知。距離在宜蘭到台北的兩點之間, 〝時間〞是為創作上的因子,〝空間〞則是環境衝突下的變因。距離在筆與墨的兩點之間,〝一画〞是為水墨創作的探索,〝化一〞則是人生境地上的追求。 距離,兩點之間… 原來距離是不分~ 關鍵字: 一、距離、直覺、筆墨The distance between two points—Lin Miao-Yu Ink Painting Creations Treatise Abstract If the coordination of points shapes our perception of space, the movement from one point to another can be seen as the passing of time. As the distance between two points, “the one” can be used as a way to interpret the world. When “the one” is stretched between two points, it not only opens up the pursuit of truth but also traces back to the origin of reason. The space between two points reveals the continuation of a question, and the distance between them points to an answer. The distance becomes a cognitive process of viewing the world, while the “preservation of distance” between two points becomes an attitude of perception. The distance created by the focal length may separate the subject and object, but at the same time it brings the two even closer to each other. An adequate distance helps to create varying perspectives on our interpretation of the world. We choose our way of viewing the world through distance, and “the preservation of distance” between two varying points is the central idea of this paper. Between the two points of the cognition of sense and that of sensibility, “the one” defines the line of thought within an Eastern framework of interpreting the world, whereas “intuition” makes up the essential awareness embraced by the Western mode of interpretation. Between the two points of Taipei and Yilan, “time” is a factor in the creative process, while “space” is a variable affected by conflicts in the surroundings. Between the two points of brush and ink, “one stroke” (Yi-hua) explores the creativity behind wash painting, while “oneness” (Hua-yi) is a state to be attained through life-long pursuit. The distance that falls between two points… may in reality become closeness. Keywords: the one ,distance, intuition, brush and inkㄧ距離直覺筆墨the onedistanceintuitionbrush and ink兩點之間的距離 ─ 林妙俞水墨創作論述The Distance Between Two Points-- Lin Miao-yu Ink Painting Creations Treatise