程玉秀郭韋伶Wei-ling Kuo2019-09-032018-09-082019-09-032015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0599211123%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97369許多研究探討已知結局的看圖作文,然而,對未知結局讓學生自由發揮寫作能力的研究則佔極少數。 本研究主要探討已知結局、未知結局的看圖寫作測驗是否對高中生寫作表現(含流暢度、語法正確度和整體表現)有所影響,並分析上述兩種看圖寫作測驗分別和英語文能力及寫作焦慮的交互作用。受試者為南臺灣182位高三學生,先以大考中心92年學測英文改編試題成績分成程度相當的兩組,一組依據已知結局的圖示寫作,另一組依據未知結局的圖示寫作。除了看圖寫作外,受試者並填寫背景問卷、外語寫作焦慮量表 (SLWAI)和測後問卷。12位學生還接受個別訪談。 量化分析結果發現:兩種看圖測驗對寫作流暢度、語法準確度、以及整體的寫作表現皆無顯著影響,且看圖測驗的類型與英語文能力或寫作焦慮無顯著交互作用。然而,英語文能力和寫作焦慮各自對作文表現有顯著影響;尤其,英語文能力高或寫作焦慮低者寫作表現較佳。另外,訪談結果發現:高寫作焦慮者偏好寫已知結局之作文,低焦慮者偏好未知結局之作文。測後問卷分析結果則呈現受測者對未知結局抱持著有助於發揮創意的普遍認知。 依據本研究發現,我們建議由於已知和未知結局之兩種看圖寫作對寫作表現的影響並無顯著差異,故大型測驗如學測仍可輪流使用。鑑於英語文能力和寫作焦慮各自對作文表現有顯著影響,教師應設法提升學生的英語文能力,並降低其寫作焦慮。The present study aims to examine the effect of closed- and open-ended picture prompts on senior high students’ writing performance in terms of overall quality, writing fluency, and accuracy. The interaction between picture prompts and English proficiency or writing anxiety on writing performance was also explored. The sample consists of 180 twelfth graders at a senior high school in southern Taiwan. All participants finished a background questionnaire, an L2 writing anxiety scale (SLWAI), a shortened 2003-GSAT as a placement test, a writing task either with a closed- or an open-ended picture prompt, a post-writing questionnaire. An interview was conducted with 12 participants to probe into their perceptions about the two writing tasks. Statistical analyses showed that picture prompts had no significant effect on students’ writing performance and there was no significant interaction between picture prompts and English proficiency or writing anxiety. On the other hand, English proficiency and L2 writing anxiety each had significant effect on writing performance. The interview results showed that high-anxiety students tended to prefer closed-ended prompts while low-anxiety students favored open-ended prompts. Analysis of post-writing questionnaire showed that there was no significant differences in students’ perceptions toward the two picture prompts, except that the closed-ended prompt was considered to hinder more creativity than the open-ended prompt. The findings suggest that the two picture prompts could still be used alternatively in such large-scale examinations as GSAT and that EFL writing instructors should increase students’ general English proficiency and reduce their writing anxiety.寫作測驗看圖作文英語文能力寫作焦慮writing assessmentwriting with picture promptsopen-ended promptsclosed-ended promptsL2 writing anxietyEnglish proficiency看圖作文、英語文能力和寫作焦慮對英文寫作之影響The Effects of Picture Prompts, English Proficiency, and Writing Anxiety on Writing Performance