曾文鐽Tseng, Wen-Ta鄭郇Cheng, Hsun2019-09-032020-12-312019-09-032015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0699210616%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97502本研究旨在探討台灣國中學生在圖形化單字量測驗之區域文化資本差別試題功能(Differential Item Functioning,簡稱DIF)。同時,藉由進一步分析造成顯著差異之試題選項的原因,來確保圖形化單字量測驗的公平性,期能提供現職國中英文教師適合的單字測驗來檢測國中學生基礎一千兩百個單字的單字量。 受試對象為1393位國中學生,分別來自都會及鄉村地區,在施行兩次圖形化單字量測驗後,以DIFAS、Winsteps、RUMM等三種統計套裝軟體分析結果並挑出共同之嚴重區域DIF試題,測驗後從中挑選出六位受試者進行訪問,請他們針對DIF試題說明他們作答時的想法。最後針對具有區域DIF的試題進行分析,並對於可能原因進行討論。 圖形化單字量測驗區域DIF分析結果顯示:有DIF現象的試題題目出現率為5.6%,DIF題數量雖不多,但區域DIF與不同文化資本和試題特徵間似有關聯;當試題中含有與受試者所具有的生活經驗和文化資本有特定相關的圖片時,其DIF試題出現比例偏高。 研究者建議命題者於出圖形化單字量測驗試題時,應盡可能避免特定生活情境出現,因此試題中的圖片內容應盡量避免涉及特定區域的事物、場所、景觀、生活經驗等,以維持試題品質及測驗的公平性。 關鍵字:單字量、公平、文化資本、差別試題功能The present study aims to investigate the differential item functioning (DIF) of cultural capital on Pictorial Vocabulary Size Test (PVST) for junior high school students. This study also identifies the reasons account for such DIF phenomena, and ensures the fairness of PVST. It is hoped that an appropriate vocabulary size test for junior high school teachers is provided. Participants were 1,393 junior high school students from different urban and rural areas of Taiwan. DIF analyses were conducted to identify test items that account for the DIF phenomena. DIFAS, Winsteps, and RUMM are three statistical programs adopted to identify large and moderate DIF items. Six participants were selected as the interviewees to describe their thinking process during the test. The study also discussed possible causes of DIF. The analyses of district DIF on PVST indicated that the average percentage of items displaying district DIF was low, at about 5.6%. There appeared to be a correlation among district DIF, different cultural capital, and item characteristics. When the pictures were related to particular life experiences and specific cultural capital groups, district DIF was demonstrated. It is suggested that PVST item writers should avoid the design of items associated with particular life settings. Therefore, the use of pictures in the test should avoid specific objects, places, scenes, life experiences and so on, so as to maintain the quality of test items and to ensure the fairness of the test. Keywords: vocabulary size, fairness, cultural capital, DIF單字量公平文化資本差別試題功能vocabulary sizefairnesscultural capitalDIF圖形化單字量測驗之差別試題功能分析:一個社會文化探究Detecting DIF of a Pictorial Vocabulary Size Test: A Social-Cultural Inquiry