王玉珍Wang, Yu-Chen李佳真Lee, Jia-Jen2022-06-082025-12-312022-06-082020https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/60b2e5328ea389710e2a3d5265486608/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116773 本研究旨在探討將婚女性在婚前抉擇焦慮或壓力期間,運用心理位移書寫之經驗與影響。以立意取樣方式邀請五位和異性伴侶交往,有預計與對方結婚的打算,在這期間對於婚姻有焦慮或矛盾之相關情緒困擾,並願意接受心理位移書寫來調適之將婚女性。參與者進行一週試寫、三週正式書寫,每週至少書寫兩篇,並於完成後進行一次半結構式訪談。訪談大綱由研究者設計,所得資料以內容分析法進行分析。研究結果發現: 一、將婚女性在心理位移書寫中的將婚困擾,包含(一)結婚籌備過程充滿壓力與擔憂;(二)遠距離戀情對感情關係的不確定;(三)受限於原生家庭經驗及傳統女性角色之框架;(四)生活中多面向的磨合與溝通。 二、將婚女性書寫不同位格之新經驗,包含(一)我位格書寫經驗:自我改變之基礎、以自我為中心的聚光燈般,抒發深層的負面情緒、書寫對婚姻的想像,對關係產生希望感;(二)妳位格書寫經驗:擁有安心述說的個人空間,碰觸內在真實感受;(三)她位格書寫經驗:扮演理性角色,重新審思對婚姻的想法及生命意義、出現結論,更清楚看見事情對自身造成的影響、觀點取替,自我慈悲、體悟人生必經之路,出現對未來期待。 三、心理位移書寫對將婚女性之效益,包含(一)具結構式的位格轉換書寫,形成新的內在對話模式;(二)接納經驗而促成將婚伴侶的對話交流;(三)釐清自身想法感受,對於是否結婚作出更明確的決定;(四)心理位移書寫有助於減緩對將婚的擔憂,擴大心理彈性;(五)心理位移書寫帶來內在自體客體之經驗,加深與生命的連結;(六)心理位移書寫是面對自我及人生的整合過程。 最後依據研究結果進行討論,並提出研究和實務上的建議以供參考。This purpose of this study was to explore the experience and influence of using psy-chological displacement writing in women's premarital choices during anxiety or stress. We Invited five heterosexual couples using a self-intended sample method. All couples had the intention of getting married,all couples had anxiety or conflict-related emotional distress during the engagement , and were willing to accept psychological displacement writing to adjust to the married life. After a week of trial writing and three weeks of formal writing, where at least two articles per week were written and upon completion a semi-structured interview was conducted. The researchers designed the interview outline and analyzed the information obtained from the interview by means of content analysis. The results of the study found that: First, premarital women during psychological displacement writing showed to ex-perience the following problems: (1) the marriage preparation process is full of pres-sure and worry; (2) The uncertainty of long-distance relationships, (3) the framework limited by native family experience and traditional female roles, and (4) the multi-faceted run-in and communication in life. Second, the new experience of writing different characters of premarital women, including (1) my writing experience: the basis of self-change, self-centered spotlight, express deep negative emotions, write the imagination of marriage, have a sense of hope for the relationship; (2) your writing experience: having the personal space to re-count with peace of mind, touching the inner real feelings; (3) her writing experience: playing a rational role, re-examining the idea of marriage and the meaning of life, reaching conclusions, seeing more clearly the impact of things on herself, Point of view replacement, self-compassion, understanding of life must go through the road, the emergence of expectations for the future. Third, psychological displacement writing on the benefits of married women, in-cluding (1) structured character conversion writing, the formation of internal thinking mode; (2) Accepting experience and facilitating dialogue and exchange of future part-ners; (3) clarifying one's own feelings and making clearer decisions about whether to marry; (4) psychological displacement writing helps to ease worries about marriage and expand psychological elasticity; (5) psychological displacement writing brings ex-perience of the inner self-object and deepens the link with life; and (6) psychological displacement writing is an integrated process of facing self and life. Finally, according to the results of the study, and put forward research and practi-cal recommendations for reference.內容分析法心理位移書寫將婚女性content analysispsychological displacement writingpremarital women婚前的幸福定格-心理位移書寫對將婚女性之經驗與影響研究Premarital Happiness–The Experience of Psy-chological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-writing in Premarital Women學術論文