吳明雄李大偉黃文振Huang, Wen-Chen2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0896700096%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98677本研究係採用準實驗研究法,以臺北市立松山工業農業職業學校園藝科一年級學生及二年級綜合高中園藝學程201班為研究對象,進行8週的創造性探究教學,並在教學實驗前、後,對學生實施Torrance創造思考活動測驗、探究力量表測驗、園藝專業基本知能測驗,以瞭解學生在實施創造性探究教學後,對學生的創造力、探究力、學習成效產生的影響。 研究初期,進行國內外創造思考教學、探究力教學、創造性探究教學等相關研究、論著等文獻資料之搜集與分析,最後以5E循環式探究教學法架構為基礎,建構本研究認為適用於高職園藝科專業課程之創造性探究教學架構,進行教學實驗。 研究結果發現,高職園藝科學生實施創造性探究教學後,經共變數統計、單因子變異數分析顯示,實驗組兩班之學習成效,均優於控制組並達顯著差異,經成對樣本t考驗得知,實驗組兩班之後測成績均優於前測成績並達顯著差異。實驗組兩班之「整體」探究力表現均優於控制組並達顯著差異;其中除「界定問題」、「溝通辯證」兩分項能力表現均優於控制組並達顯著差異外,其餘之「設計規劃」、「實作驗證」、「分析解釋」等分項能力之表現,兩組並未達顯著差異。 在創造力表現上,經統計發現,在圖形創造力方面,實驗組與控制組的表現並無顯著差異。其次,就圖形創造力分項能力表現比較,在創造思考圖形測驗表現方面,經由事後比較得知,實驗組除精密力表現優於控制組並達顯著差異外,其餘在獨創力、流暢力等分項能力表現上並無顯著差異。另外,再就創造思考語文測驗表現分析比較得知,實驗組之語文創造力表現優於控制組,且達顯著差異。其次,在創造思考語文測驗分項能力表現方面,實驗組獨創力、流暢力、變通力之表現,均優於控制組,並達顯著差異。 就學習滿意度方面,無論從各單元學習回饋意見統計或就整體問卷調查統計結果均可看出,實驗組有80%以上學生均表滿意(各單元學習滿意度平均數在3.97以上),且認為創造性探究教學對其學習確實有幫助。而就學生訪談結果中亦得知,學生對教師實施創造性探究教學均表示生動有趣並漸改變學習模式,且有助於其學習。就教師訪談結果得知,實施創造性探究教學,雖費時費力,但確實可提升學生學習興趣,啟發學生動腦思考並能主動參與合作學習;將學生回饋意見、師生訪談結果及學習滿意度統計結果進行三角檢證後得知,其結果為一致。惟因受限於教學進度及技能檢定要求,無法讓學生有太多時間,進行創造思考與探究學習,另教師要實施創造性探究教學時,對創造思考教學策略與探究教學技法與策略必需十分熟練,才能有效、全面提升學生創造力與探究力。 最後,針對研究結果與發現,本研究提出結論、檢討與反思及建議。整體而言,實施創造性探究教學,對高職園藝科學生圖形創造力表現未達顯著差異,而語文創造力達顯著差異,但在探究力與學習成效表現上,確實頗有助益並達顯著差異。This study applied the quasi experimental research technique to examine the first year students in Department of Horticulture and second-year comprehensive high school horticulture programs class 201, Songshan High School of Agriculture& Industry in Taipei with an eight-week program of creative inquiry teaching. The author conducted the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), measurements on inquiry and test in basic competence in horticulture on the students before and after the teaching experiment. The purpose was to understand the impact of creative inquiry teaching on the creativity, inquiry and learning outcome of students. The first step of the research process was to conduct a review and analysis on the literature in Taiwan and overseas regarding the teaching of creative thinking, inquiry and creative inquiry. Finally, this study used the 5E learning cycle teaching as the structural foundation for the construction of the creative inquiry teaching suitable for a teaching experiment on the professional courses in horticulture in vocational high schools. The research findings suggest that the vocational high school students of the two experiment classes in horticulture exposed to creative inquiry teaching perform better than the control group according to the ANCOVA and one-way ANOVA results and such differences were statistically significant. The paired sample t-tests indicate that the post-test results of the two experiment classes were better than their pre-test results and the differences were statistically significant. The inquiry performances of the two experiment classes were better than that of the control group and such differences are statistically significant. However, the superior performance is limited to two competences, i.e. question definition and communication/dialectics. The differences between the experiment classes and the control group in competences such as design and planning, practical validations, analysis& interpretation, were not statistically significant. In terms of creative expressions, There was no significant variance between the experiment group and the control group in the graphic creativity. As far as the individual competence in graphic creativity was concerned, the experiment group performs better than the control group in elaboration of the creative thinking in graphs according to ex-post comparisons. The variance in performance was statistically significant. However, There were no significant differences between the performance of the experiment group and the control group in terms of originality and fluency as sub-competences of graphic creativity. According to an analysis and comparison of the test results on language creative thinking, the experiment group demonstrates better language creativity than the control group and the difference was statistically significant. Regarding the sub-competences of language creativity, the experiment group was superior to the control group in originality, fluency and flexibility, and the difference was statistically significant. According to the feedback statistics on unit learning and the overall results of the survey, over 80% of the experiment group students were satisfied with the learning(Each unit of learning satisfaction above average at 3.97), citing that creative inquiry teaching was helpful to their learning. The interviews with students show that the students find creative inquiry teaching interesting and they have gradually changed their model of learning. The interviews with teachers indicate that creative inquiry teaching, although time-consuming and labour-intensive, indeed boosts the learning interest among students by inspiring thinking and encouraging participation and cooperation. The investigator triangulation of the feedback from students, interviews with students and teachers and statistics on learning satisfaction yields consistent results. That said, the limitations regarding teaching progress and the requirements for technical competences do not allow the luxury of time for students to immerse in creating thinking and inquiry. It is also worth noting that teachers have to be familiar with the techniques and strategies of creative inquiry teaching in order to achieve effective improvement in the creativity and inquiry of students. Finally, this study presents conclusions, discussions, reflections and suggestions based on the researching results and findings. In general, creative inquiry teaching does not achieve statistically different performance for the vocational high school students in horticulture regarding graphic creativity. However, it does contribute to statistically different performance in language creativity. In terms of inquiry and learning achievements, creative inquiry teaching does make a statistically significant difference and assistance.創造性探究教學探究力創造力學習成效creative inquiry teachinginquirycreativitylearning outcome創造性探究教學影響學生探究力、創造力及學習成效之研究─以臺北市立松山工農園藝科為例Impact of Creative Inquiry Teaching on Inquiry, Creativity and Learning Outcome of Students ─Department of Horticulture, Songshan High School of Agriculture& Industry in Taipei