石蘭梅Shih, Lan-Mei李立真Lee, Li-Chen2020-12-142020-01-092020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060322017L%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110718本文以文獻分析及考古實物為兩大主軸,使用三禮書與楚墓考古發現的史料,聚焦於東周時期的楚國,分別為春秋時期、戰國前期、戰國後期三個階段,依時序的推演來看楚國喪葬禮俗的流變。 在考古出土墓葬資料的運用上,本文以禮制的中心人物──貴族群體作為主幹,以國家都城定位貴族權力核心,並以都城周邊墓葬群檢視不同時期楚國喪葬禮俗的發展狀況。本文的研究希望能跳脫過去單純南北對立的物質文化研究窠臼,擺脫一般認為楚國政治邊陲蠻夷、文化詭譎奇瑰的論述,回歸禮俗本身,分析規範的條文與實際施用下產生的狀況與差異,探討在時局變動下,喪葬禮俗如何隨時境而變遷,並由楚墓所見一手史料辯證古籍中談及或未談及的喪葬禮俗。 本研究的文獻分析以《儀禮》與《禮記》為主,《周禮》為輔。先秦喪葬禮制記載最詳實見於《儀禮》一書,其內容主要記錄士階層的從初死到入殯,及其後相對應的葬與祭。本文將以《儀禮》的相關紀載為基礎,配合《禮記》中對不同身分與其對應喪葬制度的補充,來分析東周時楚國可能接觸到的禮制規範為何。 繼文獻分析之後,再結合考古出土的實物,以楚都的地望為核心──春秋時期以宜城為中心,戰國前期以紀南城為中心,戰國後期以陳城、壽春城為中心,進一步以實際墓葬考古史料為線索,分由墓葬形式與隨葬器物兩大項申論之,觀察不同階段的楚國喪葬禮俗變遷。This essay takes the literature analysis and archaeological objects as the two main axes. Using the three ritual books and the archaeological discovery of the Chu Tomb, focusing on the Chu State in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and discussing the tombs in this period in the three stages of the Spring and Autumn Period, the Early Warring States Period and the Late Warring States Period. Funeral objects such as funerary objects,according to the time series to see the evolution of the funeral customs of the Chu State. This article takes the central figure of the ritual, the aristocratic group as the mainstay, and locates the core of the aristocratic power with the national capital. The tombs around the capital city examine the development of the funeral customs of the Chu State in different periods. The first half of the article is a literature discussion, with " Rites and Ceremonies"(儀禮)and " Classic of Rites" (禮記)as the mainstay, and " Rites of Zhou"(周禮) as a supplement. The latter part combines archaeological objects with the location of the Chu capital as the core. The Spring and Autumn Period is centered on Yicheng(宜城). In the early Warring States period, Ji Nan City(紀南城) was the center. In the late Warring States period, Chencheng City(陳城) and Shouchun City (壽春城)were the center, and the actual tomb archaeology was used as a clue. Dividing the form of tombs and the two major items of funeral objects, observing the changes in funeral customs of Chu in different stages.東周楚國喪禮葬禮《儀禮》Chu Statethe Eastern Zhou DynastyFuneral Customs東周楚國喪葬禮俗之研究