胡益進Hu, Yih-Jin拾方正Shih, Fang-Cheng2023-12-082023-08-102023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/98a78201b4f3c24910da0cfd06e40cd3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119176本研究針對臺北市政府消防局在面臨COVID-19疫情初期,率先指派投入確診病人到院前緊急救護工作,並列為防疫專責分隊的四大高級救護分隊成員共計112人為研究對象,採取橫斷式研究設計,探討研究對象在疫情期間之壓力、壓力源與壓力因應策略情況,總計發出112份問卷,回收108份,回收率達96.4%。研究結果顯示,研究對象有高達69.4%曾經確診,無子女者壓力低於有子女者,專科學歷者壓力源較高,當壓力源愈大時,壓力因應策略程度就愈高。研究對象在工作心理負荷與工作體力負荷的壓力源感受強烈,認為工作需要不斷學習新事務,以具備高度技術與能力,且因工作需長時間集中注意力且辛苦,普遍認為有人力不足的現象,但有較高的職場社會支持。對於所屬的工作充滿熱忱與使命,針對營救傷病患是工作的動力,也一直盡自己最大的努力救活傷者。本研究中,壓力、壓力源及壓力因應策略之間相關性沒有呈現顯著性,將研究對象社會人口學變項壓力、壓力源對壓力因應策略進行迴歸分析後解釋力為18.8%,進行複迴歸分析結果,主要預測變項間僅有壓力源可預測壓力因應策略,當壓力源愈大時,則壓力因應策略程度就愈高。依據研究結果,本研究提出高風險救護勤務之因應、改善繼續教育課程時段安排、持續加強同仁與職場關懷機制等實務性工作建議及未來透過訪談探討緊急醫療技術員產生壓力的心理因素的研究方向,以做為關心此族群並進而提高救護品質之參考。This study focused on the four major senior EMT units of the Taipei City Government Fire Department, which were assigned to the pre-hospital emergency service for the first time in the early stage of the COVID-19 epidemic and were classified as the specialized anti-epidemic units, with a total of 112 members. A cross-sectional research design was adopted to investigate the stress, stressors, and stress management strategies during the epidemic, and 112 questionnaires were sent out, with a recovery rate of 96.4%. The results of the study showed that as many as 69.4% of the study participants had been diagnosed, the stress level of those without children was lower than that of those with children, and stressors were higher among those with professional qualifications, and the higher the stressor, the higher the stress coping strategy.They have strong sense of psychological load and physical load at work. They believed that their work required them to constantly learn new things in order to be highly skilled and competent, and because their work required long hours of concentration and hard work, they generally believed that there was a shortage of manpower, but they had a high level of social support in the workplace. They had passion and mission for their job, and is motivated by the need to save patients and injuries, and has always done the best to save the lives of the injured.In this study, the correlation between pressure, stressors and stressful coping strategies was not significant. The explanatory power after regression analysis of the socio-demographic variables of pressure and stressors on stressful coping strategies was 18.8%, and the results of the repeated regression analysis showed that among the main predictive variables, only stressors could predict stressful coping strategies, and the greater the stressor, the higher the degree of stressful coping strategies.Based on the results of the study, the present study proposes practical recommendations for high-risk emergency medical services duties, improving the schedule of continuing education courses, and continuously strengthening the mechanism of colleague and workplace care, as well as the future direction of the study to investigate the psychological factors of stress among emergency medical technicians through interviews, in order to provide a reference for caring for this group and improving the quality of emergency medical services in the future.嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎緊急救護技術員壓力壓力源壓力因應策略COVID-19EMTStressStressorCoping緊急救護技術員對嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎壓力因應策略之相關因素研究-以臺北市政府消防局高級救護分隊為例Study of factors related to stress coping strategies for COVID-19 – the Emergency Medical Technicians-Paramedic of the Taipei City Fire Departmentetd