李勤岸 教授吳英蘭2019-08-292010-8-102019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095262125%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93209本研究的目的是欲藉由台北市國小學童家長使用語言調查,來了解母語流失的情形。主要是透過問卷調查台北市12行政區24班的家長,佇各場所使用語言的情形,攏總有494份的有效問卷,加上佇12行政區中每區隨機找2位受訪者來探討使用語言的情況佮原因。   經過研究結果分析會使講無論佇家庭、工作、其他的方面,華語的平均佔有率攏上懸,已經到六成五的坎站。台語是三成三,客語、原住民語、其他語言攏無到一成。受訪者完全使用母語干單有二成的人,主要的原因是自細漢的慣勢、看對方講啥物語言就用啥物語言、看對方年紀較大的就用母語年紀細的用華語、華語教育的影響、華語較方便。佇社會語言學的立場,會使講台北市是華語的分佈區矣。   復振母語是普世的價值,是全民袂使推卸的責任佮義務。希望有關單位加強落實母語教育,推及家庭對伊的重視,予咱祖先的語言一代一代生湠落去。The purpose of this study is to understand the loss of mother tongue through a questionnaire survey on the use of language by the parents of the elementary school students in Taipei city. The targets of the study consist of parents from the 12 districts and 24 classes in Taipei city who use language in different occasions. There are 494 effective questionnaires and an interview of two random targets from each of the 12 districts to discuss their use of languages andreasons.    The analysis of the results shows that regardless of at home, work or other aspects, the use of Mandarin language accounts for the highest proportion, reaching as high as 65%. The use of Taiwanese accounts for 33%, while Hakka, Aboriginal languages and other languages account for less than 10% of language use. Only 20% of the interviewees completely use their mother tongues only, and the main reasons consist of their habitual language use since little, communicating in the language that the other person speaks of, speaking in Taiwanese with the elderly and speaking Mandarin with the young people, impacts of Mandarin language education and convenience in using Mandarin. In the perspective of sociolinguistics, Taipei is accounted for the largest distribution area for Mandarin.    Reviving mother tongue is a universal value and a responsibility and obligation which one cannot deny. The authorities should reinforce implementation of mother tongue education, highlighting the significance of mother tongue in families and to pass on the language of the ancestor generations after generations.母語流失台灣語言教育台灣社會語言學問卷調查loss of mother tongueTaiwanese language educationTaiwanese sociolinguisticsquestionnaire survey2008年國小學童家長使用語言調查研究--以台北市十二所國小為例