夏良忠Hsia, Liang-Chung鍾明廷Zhong, Ming-Ting2020-12-142020-07-292020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060740013S%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111254noneLet K be a finite extension over Q_p the fraction field of p-adic integers. Let f(X) =X^{p^r} - c ∈ K[X] where r ∈ Z≥2, and let f_n(X) be the nth iterated polynomial of f(X). For any a ∈ K, we examine the Galois groups and the ramified index of K_n over K where K_n is the splitting field of f_n(X) − a over K. For some v(c), the behavior depends on v(c). But for -p/(p-1) - (r-1)p^r/(p^r-1) ≤ v(c)< -p/(p-1), we haven’t found results.noneiterated polynomialarboreal Galois groupinfinitely wildly ramifiedThe Galois Group of Iterated Polynomial of X^{p^r}-c over Non-archimedean Valued FieldThe Galois Group of Iterated Polynomial of X^{p^r}-c over Non-archimedean Valued Field