國立臺灣師範大學圖文傳播學系陳藹彥著楊美雪譯李麗君譯2014-10-302014-10-301997-02-011019-6943http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/36481This paper addresses the "Kiasu" and "Takut" phenomena in the singapore education system. It emphasizes the urgent need for teachers and teacher educators to refocus attention on IT as instructional technology and IT as information technology in the midst of rapid changes in the world of work, and in education. To sharpen the use of appropriate technology, it is necessary to re-examine the acts of knowing, learning, and teaching in the light of recent educational research findings. It is also necessary to reconsider current approaches to the process of knowledge and skill construction, application, and collaborative efforts to train high performance learners and learning communities in workplaces.科技應用教學焦點資訊科技教學科技Instructional technologyInformation technologySingaporeTeacher education科技應用與教學焦點新加坡「怕輸」經驗的啟示