林儷蓉Li-Jung Lin吳昭筠Chao-Yun Wu2019-09-052013-08-112019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099312106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107571本研究指在瞭解土風舞參與者參與動機、阻礙因素與參與行為之現況,並分析其背景特性對參與動機、阻礙因素與參與行為差異情形,再探討參與動機、阻礙因素與參與行為三者的相關性。本研究以國立臺灣師範大學歷屆成員為研究對象,採便利抽樣及滾雪球方式,發放「土風舞參與者的參與行為、參與動機與阻礙因素調查問卷」,共回收有效問卷316份,有效問卷303份。問卷資料處理與分析後,結果為: (一) 不同婚姻狀態與是否有子女、職業及平均月收入之參與者的參與動機有顯著差異; (二) 不同年齡、居住地區、婚姻狀態與是否有子女及平均月收入之參與者的阻礙因素達顯著差異; (三) 不同年齡、居住地區、職業、平均月收入及舞齡之參與者的參與程度達顯著差異; (四) 土風舞參與者之學習、生理及成就動機與個人內在阻礙有顯著正相關、學習動機與結構性阻礙有顯著負相關; (五) 中度參與動機之參與者,其阻礙因素與參與程度達顯著差異。研究建議土風舞推廣團體應注意活動舉辦地區的分配性,對活動內容的規劃能因年齡、體能做分級,讓參與者不受時間與空間的限制。也可藉由教導休閒對個人生活的重要性,或轉換活動內容方式引發動機,並加強時間管理以增加對活動的參與度。The purpose of this study was to understand current status of participating motivation, constraint and behavior of folk dance participants among the members of the Bosin Folk Dance Club in National Taiwan Normal University, and compare the differences based on different background variables. With Questionnaire Survey in the objects of this study were 303 participants of Bosin Folk Dance Club in National Taiwan Normal University. The collected data results as follows: (1) Significant differences were found in participating motivation of participants in marriage state, having children or not, occupation, and average monthly income. (2) Significant differences were found in participating constraint of participants in age, living area, marriage state, having children or not and average monthly income. (3) Significant differences were found in participating degree of participants in age, living area, occupation, average monthly income and dancing age. (4) Lowly positive significant differences were found between learning, physiological, achievement motivations and intrapersonal constraints in folk dance participants. Lowly negative significant differences were found between learning motivations and structural constraints in folk dance participants. (5) Significant differences were found between participating constraints and degree among middle participating motivations of participants. Based on the results and discussions of the study, it is suggested that activity areas should be hold equality and the content planning should be leveled by age and physical strength. It can also educate individual the importance of leisure. Changing the way of processing to raise motivation, and increasing time management to promote participation of activities is recommended.土風舞參與動機休閒阻礙參與行為folk danceparticipating motivationleisure constraintparticipation behavior大專院校土風舞社參與者參與動機、阻礙因素與參與行為之相關研究-以博欣社為例The Relationship Between the Motivation, Constraint and Behavior of Folk Dance Participants