鄒小蘭Hsiao- Lan Chau2019-08-122019-08-122014-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81655本研究以生涯發展組型量表應用於一位自閉症資優學生之案例分析,說明其生涯發展組型的優弱勢,並透過晤談、文件分析與SWOT分析,了解影響個案生涯抉擇的因素。結果顯示個案於高中階段的生涯發展屬於多重優勢組型且分化未明確,職涯優勢組型多達5種;學涯優勢為數理組型,與其高中選讀第三類組相符合;而生涯抉擇類型屬目標導向型。本文期能對自閉症資優學生優勢與弱勢的生涯發展有概括認識,裨益輔導身心障礙資優學生之生涯發展。This study used the “Career Development Patterns Scale” to analyze the career development patterns of the gifted student with autism spectrum disorder (G/ASD) in general high school. This study adopted individual interviews, document analysis and SWOT analysis to understand the decisive factors of career decision-making. The results indicated that the case had multiple strengths, yet the differentiation was not clear. There were five types of the strengths of vocational pattern; the strength of academic pattern was Scientific pattern, consistent with academic tracks; and career decision-making was goal-oriented. This paper is expected to shape a general outline of the career development of G/ASD, and assists twice-exceptional students to develop their careers.自閉症資優學生生涯發展組型生涯抉擇career development patterngifted student with autism spectrum disordercareer decision-making高中階段自閉症資優學生「生涯發展組型」及生涯抉擇因素之案例分析A Case Analysis on the Career Development Patterns and Career Decision-making Factors of Gifted Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder in High School