鄭惠美2014-10-272014-10-271999-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18074本研究約主要目的是:(1)瞭解學童母親各項急救知能之現況,(2)瞭解學童 母親各項急救知能學習行為所虛的改變階段( 3 )探討影響學童母親各項急救知能學習行 為改變階段的因素及其徑路。以臺灣地區學童母親為母群體,於 1998 年 11 月以郵寄問卷 委託 40 所學校之老師對分層隨機集束抽樣法抽出的學童母親進行調查, 計收回有效問卷 2415 份,主要以卡方檢定、因素分析 LISREL 進行資料分析。研究結果發現( 1 )學童母 親急救知能有待加強,尤其是心臟病急救、心臟按摩等方面之知能,(2)急救知能可依學 童母親在各項急救知能學習行為上所處之改變階段分布情形, 分為七大類型,( 3 )最少 人學過,卻是最多人想學,而且準備好要學的急救知能有「心臟病之急救、中風之急救、心 臟按摩、休克之急救、中毒之急救、人工呼吸、嚴重創傷之急救、檢查昏迷不醒者之生命現 象」。 ( 4 )學童母親之社經地位、對急救知能學習行為所感知的「可用性」「利益性」 「障礙性」「效果性」是影審其改變階段的因素,研究假設的影響徑路亦獲得證實。建議本 研究分析出來的士大類型急救知能,可做為安排急救學習課程之參考。The purpose of this study was to understand (l)the knowledge and skills of first aid, (2)the stage of change in learning behavior toward first-aid knowledge and skills, and (3) their relation to some relevant factors ofschoolchildren's mothers in Taiwan Area. 2145 samples were collected through stratified and cluster sampling method, Χ�� test, factor analysis and LISREL were used to analysis the data. The findings were as follows: (1)The first-aid knowledge and skills for schoolchildren's mothers should be enriched. (2)The first-aid knowledge and skills were divided into seven types by the stage of change in learning behavior toward first-aid. (3) The first-aid of heart-diseases, severe injuries, shock, sudden strokes, poisons, CPR, and diagnostic signs and patient evaluation were the first type. The characteristics of this type were: ヾ the most ofschoolchildren's mothers at contemplation and preparation stage, ゝ the fewest ofschoolchildren's mothers at action stage. (4)The study supported that the socioeconomic state, application, barriers, advantages and efficacy can effect the stage of change in learning behavior toward first-aid. The study recommed that the seven types of first-aid knowledge and skills can be used to develop the course of first-aid.急救知能學習行為改變階段學童母親First-aidLearning behaviorStage of changeSchool children's mothers臺灣地區學童母親急救知能學習行為研究A Study of Learning Behavior in First-Aid Knowledge and Skills for Schoolchildren's Mothers in Taiwan Area