陳純音Chen, Chun-yin陳妍彣Chen, Yen-wen2020-10-192023-07-012020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060521038L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110960本研究旨在探討華語為母語的兒童對於請求策略的理解與應用。議題包含直接與間接請求策略間的差異、社會距離與地位的影響、句型與策略的使用、以及不同年齡間的差異。本研究設計兩項測驗來探究受試者的表現:一為理解測驗,二為情境對話測驗。研究對象包含實驗組的四十八位五至十歲孩童,依其就讀的年級分為三組:幼兒園大班、小學二年級、四年級,每組各十六位;另外有對照組成人十六位。 研究結果發現如下: 一、五至十歲孩童皆具備成人母語者對於直接與間接請求策略的理解能力,但八歲以下孩童還無法像成人般表達請求。 二、對於孩童與成人,社會距離對請求策略的理解與使用影響不顯著。 三、孩童與成人對於請求策略的理解與應用皆受到社會地位的影響。他們與社會地位較高的人互動時,理解與使用都已具備成人母語者的程度;在與同輩或是地位較低的人互動時,他們皆比預期中更為客氣。 四、五至八歲的孩童使用大量的祈使句來做請求,而九至十歲的孩童則如同成人,使用較多的疑問句。但孩童至十歲時都還無法像成人般使用陳述句來提出請求。 五、五至十歲孩童已能夠使用多種請求策略,但各策略使用的多寡有別。不過,值得一提的是,各組皆有明顯趨勢,使用較多的語氣導出型(Mood derivable)和探詢型(Query preparatory)策略。The present study investigated L1 children’s comprehension and production of requests in Mandarin Chinese. Two tasks were designed to elicit children’s performance: a comprehension task and a production task. The issues addressed between direct and indirect requests included the effect of directness, the influences of social distance and relative power, syntactic structures and strategy use as well as age effect. A total of 48 participants were recruited from an elementary school in Taipei and they were further divided into three age groups (i.e., kindergartners, Grade 2, Grade 4). Besides, 16 adults participated in the current study as the control group. The major findings are summarized as follows: 1. The children aged 5 to 10 showed adult-like understanding of requests, however, they were not able to make adult-like requests before the age of 8. 2. The effect of social distance was not obvious to both the children and adults in their comprehension and production of requests. 3. The participants were all affected by social power. All age groups of children performed adult-like when interacting with people with higher power. They were more polite than expected when making a request to their peers and those with lower power. 4. Our children aged 5 to 8 produced requests with imperatives the most, while those aged 9 to 10 made requests with interrogatives the most as the adults. Nonetheless, they were not able to produce requests with declaratives until they were 10 years old. 5. Our children were able to produce various types of requests. However, a similar tendency of strategy use was found in every group. Mood derivable and query preparatory were the two strategies the most frequently use.第一語言習得言語行為請求策略華語first language acquisitionspeech actrequestChinese以華語為母語的孩童對請求策略的理解與使用L1 Children's Comprehension and Production of Requests in Mandarin Chinese