狄亞綸Aaron Deveson林政憲Lin, Cheng-Hsien2019-09-032018-09-082019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060321001L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97446本論文以旻娜洛伊的包厘街詩為焦點來彰顯貫穿在其晚期作品中的匱乏詩學。學術論述已在洛伊早期詩作中針對女性主體與語言創新上的翻新著墨許多,但洛伊在晚期詩作中轉向包厘街上的貧困個體,這與整體的創作母題相去甚遠,也因而使這階段的作品失去學術興趣與展現潛值的平臺。有鑑於此,本論文檢視洛伊包厘街詩中的邊緣個體以展示匱乏詩學為一股協商理解現代性替代路徑的翻新力。This thesis focuses on Mina Loy’s Bowery poetry to call for attention to the poetics of poverty that permeates in her late works. Criticism has spilled much ink on the fashionability female subjectivity and language in Loy’s early poetry. Her turn to the destitute individuals in the Bowery departs greatly from her established oeuvre and loses academic interests in her late poetry. Such a loss fails to see the promise within her late works adequately. Therefore, this thesis attends to marginal individuals in Loy’s Bowery poetry to demonstrate a poetics of poverty as an elevated form her fashionability that negotiates alternative trajectories in the comprehension of modernity.翻新力匱乏詩學包厘街紀錄文化原創副本時尚受害者百貨公司幽默展示櫥窗十四街fashionabilitypoetics of povertyBowerydocumentary culturethe Authentic Copyfashion victimdepartment storehumourshop windowFourteenth StreetSurrealist fashion匱乏詩學:旻娜洛伊包厘街詩中的翻新力Poetics of Poverty: Fashionability in Mina Loy’s Bowery Poems