邱貴發Qiu, Gui-Fa張佩蓉Chang, Pei-Jung2019-08-292016-12-312019-08-292016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060208017E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92728  本研究以國小數學「最大公因數與最小公倍數」,結合遊戲學習策略,設計數位遊戲學習活動,探討數位遊戲學習對國小五年級學生學習公因數與公倍數概念之數學學習成效、數學學習態度與遊戲滿意度。   研究採前實驗設計,研究對象為高雄市某公立國小五年級兩個班級的學生,共61人參與。參與實驗學生具備公因數與公倍數之先備知識。研究工具有研究者設計之數位遊戲、數學學習成就測驗卷、數學學習態度問卷、遊戲滿意度與教師訪談表。   研究結果顯示,兩班學生的數學學習成就皆有顯著進步,且兩班間無顯著差異,由教師訪談內容可以推論,兩班雖然接受不同的教學模式與擁有不同的學習經驗,但數位遊戲學習皆可以幫助兩班學生學習。兩班的數學學習態度:數學自信、數學有用性、數學學習動機皆呈正向,B班略高於A班,數學焦慮呈負向,B班略低於A班,從教師訪談的結果可以推論,B班平常就有接觸遊戲的經驗,對遊戲學習的接受度較高,因此數學學習態度較A班高。兩班的遊戲滿意度:操作容易度、遊戲有用性、遊戲滿意度皆呈正向,顯示兩班皆對遊戲的設計、情境、學習內容感到滿意。This research was to develop a digital game-supported learning material on concepts of greatest common divisor (G.C.D.) and least common multiple (L.C.M.), to examine its effects on fifth grade students’ math learning achievement, and to investigate learning attitude toward mathematics and students’ perceptions of satisfaction about the learning material. Participants are 61 fifth grade students of two classes at Kaohsiung of Taiwan. All of the students have learned the concepts of divisors and multiples. Research instruments included a game-supported learning material, a mathematical achievement test, a mathematics learning attitude questionnaire, a satisfaction questionnaire, and a teacher interview form. A pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was used. The research results indicate that both classes have significant improvement on the mathematical achievement test, but without significant difference between classes. Students’ self-confidence in mathematical learning, feeling of the usefulness of mathematics, and motivation toward mathematical learning are highly positive. Class B showed a more positive attitude toward game-supported math learning and had a less mathematical anxiety than class A. Students had a high satisfaction toward the ease of use and the usefulness of the game-supported math learning material.數位遊戲式學習因數與倍數數學學習態度滿意度digital game-based learningmathematical learningfactorsmultiplesmathematics attitude數位遊戲學習對國小五年級因數與倍數學習之影響Effects of Digital Game-Based Learning on Fifth Grades’ Learning of Factors and Multiples