郭鐘隆GUO, JHONG-LONG郭雅端Guo, Ya-Duan2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060105018E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87438中文摘要 目的:本研究主要針對八年級學生設計一套「生活技能於菸害防制教學」介入課程,研究目的在探討學生接受課程後對菸害防制知識、菸害決策平衡、菸害防制自我效能、菸害防制生活技能、菸害防制吸菸意圖及菸害防制拒菸行為之成效。 方法:本研究採準實驗設計之不相等實驗組控制組設計,以彰化縣某國中八年級為研究對象,共120人參與實驗組,對照組為鄰近另一所國中八年級共114人為研究對象,合計共234位學生。實驗組實施8堂課,每堂45分鐘的生活技能菸害防制教學課程,對照組則接受一般健康教育教學課程。 結果:本研究發現實驗組學生接受教學介入後在菸害防制知識、菸害防制決策平衡、菸害防制自我效能、菸害防制生活技能、菸害防制吸菸意圖及菸害防制拒菸行為有顯著成效。 結論:建議未來國民中學可採取生活技能應用於菸害防制教學來進行初級預防之菸害教育。 關鍵字:菸害防制、生活技能Abstract Objectives: This purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of smoking prevention program education on eighth-grade students for their intervention of life skills. This study examined the effects of this program on smoking knowledge, decision balance, life skills, self-efficacy, anti-intention and anti-smoking behavior . Method: This study adopted the quasi-experimental design. A Changhua junior high school was purposively selected as the experimental group. The total number of the students in experimental group was 120. The counterparts of comparison group to the experimental junior high school was 114. The total number of participants was 234 students. The experimental group participated in life skill-based program consisted of eight 45-min session with the comparison group received general health education. Results: The results indicated that the experimental students have significant improvements on smoking knowledge, decision balance, self-efficacy, life skills, anti-intention, anti-smoking behavior compared to the counterparts in comparison group. Conclusion: It suggests that life skill-based prevention program is feasible to be implemented in the junior high school and demonstrates the significant effects on smoking-related constructs in adolescents. Key words: smoking prevention education, life skills菸害防制生活技能smoking prevention educationlife skills生活技能於青少年菸害防制教學之應用研究A life skill-based smoking prevention program for students on Junior High Schools