黃文吉Wen-Jyi Hwang簡嘉儀Chia-Yi Jain2019-09-052012-7-282019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696470124%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106711本論文中將結合視訊串流伺服器(Video Streaming Server)及我們所發展的動態頻寬分配法則(Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation),讓視訊串流系統在調節頻寬的時候可以達到以下兩點目標: (1)當總流量超過安全範圍,調節頻寬時可最小化視訊品質之降低。 (2)頻寬充足時,調節頻寬且最大化的提昇視訊品質。 另外,我們建立了一個使用本演算法的視訊串流伺服器。而本論文將透過模擬所獲得的數據來驗證法則的正確性和分析在實際系統上運作法則時所量測到的數據,藉以完整地證明本論文所提出之演算法則是有效的。 關鍵詞:Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation, Streaming ServerIn this thesis, we propose a dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm and implement a video streaming server with this algorithm. We want the system can achieve two goals as follows: (1)When total used bandwidth of video streaming server is over safety area, video streaming server will manage bandwidth and minimize video quality decadence. (2)When total used bandwidth of video streaming server is under safety area, video streaming server will manage bandwidth and maximize video quality increase. In order to verify this algorithm, we implement a positive video streaming system. We will test my systems in several scenarios and get some measurements. According to those measurements, it can be observed that the algorithm is effective and useful. Keywords:Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation, Streaming Server動態頻寬分配視訊串流伺服器Dynamic Bandwidth AllocationStreaming Server多媒體視訊串流服務之動態頻寬分配法則Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Video Streaming Service