相子元Shiang, Tzyy-Yuang張倍瑄Chang, Pei-Hsuan2019-09-052020-07-012019-09-052016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060332055A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106113目的:壓力機能服飾近年來被證實有效降低肌肉晃動與改變肌肉活化特性,因此利用紡織雙層加壓布料的概念,針對大腿股內側肌給予包覆,希望能減少運動傷害的發生。本研究目的為探討穿著強化股內側肌機能褲在離心運動介入前後對於肌肉活化、肌肉震動與等長肌力力矩的影響。方法:招募12名健康男性,受試者依照平衡次序法穿著三款長褲,包含強化股內側肌壓力機能褲、無強化壓力機能褲、寬鬆長褲,進行兩項主要測驗:肌肉震動測試、等長肌力測試與功能性動作-坐到站測試。統計使用單因子重複量數變異數分析與二因子重複量數變異數分析,了解三款不同長褲的差異,所有統計水準定為α = .05。結果:強化股內側肌壓力機能褲在肌肉活化順序表現顯著優於寬鬆長褲與無強化壓力機能褲,但在肌活程度與等長肌力力矩皆無顯著差異;此外在肌肉震動中,強化股內側肌壓力機能褲顯著小於寬鬆長褲。結論:利用紡織雙層布料加壓的效果,設計出輔助股內側肌的強化款壓力褲,有助於股內側肌較早活化且降低肌肉晃動,未來更可以依照不同肌肉特性,開發不同功能的壓力機能服飾。Purpose: Numerous investigations have aimed to decrease muscle vibration and change muscle activation on compression garment. Therefore, using the concept of the double layers of fabrics on vastus medialis oblique might reduce sport injuries. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the compression pant on performance. Method: There were 12 healthy male participants recruited in this study. They had to wear three different pants including the double layers compression pant, compression pant, loose pant in counter- balanced order and performed the muscle vibration, the isometric strength of knee extension and sit-to-stand test. The repeated measures one-way ANOVA was used to evaluate the muscle vibration. The 2-way repeated ANOVA were used to evaluate the isometric strength of knee extension and sit-to-stand test before and after the eccentric exercise. Significant level was set at α = .05. Result: The results showed that the double layers compression pant could decrease muscle vibration and alter the timing of VMO and VL activation than wearing the loose pant. However, the isometric strength of knee extension and the VMO/VL EMG ratio were not significantly different in the three pants. Conclusion: The double layers on vastus medialis oblique in the compression wear could decrease muscle vibration and alter the timing of VMO and VL activation than wearing the loose pant. It could be used as reference for new product development in the future.壓力服飾股內側肌活化時間離心運動Compression garmentsvastus medialis obliquethe timing of muscle activationeccentric exercise強化股內側肌機能服飾穿著效能之評估與研究The effect of double layers on Vastus Medialis Oblique in the compression wear